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I'l try to keep this short.

Last week my p99rs remote stopped working and I thought "the batttery went quick".

I bought a replacement battery, should have check the original first, but it still doesn't work.

I popped it apart expecting to find nothing wrong, but instead I find a coil of wire wrapped around a spool and the spool is broken form the base with a broken wire as well.

I went to the local radioshack, looking for help.

The guy tthere said it looks like a choke, but wasn't sure.

In a responce from pioneer the remote is $84.95 + tax + shipping.

I about shit myself, gouge me some more already.

These a the best close ups I'm able to get with this camera, sorry I can't get more detailed images.

Would you call this a choke or something else?

I'm going to desolder it form the board to attempt another repair.

I asseume this wire has some type of coating, possibly enamel, to prevent shorting between wraps.

What do you think?

It's the copper coil next to the + in a circle.

I can't figure out how to post larger pics or create a new album.



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It's a small inductor. The problem is going to be determining the value if you try to replace it. Ideally you would be able to find a part # or information printed on it.

It really doesn't look like it unwound at all.....IDK, as a temp fix I'd maybe see if you could put a drop of epoxy to reattach the coil to the base & then resolder the connection. If that doesn't work you'll have to pull the inductor out & see if there is information printed on the bottom of it.

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I have it unmounted from the board and glued back to the base.

I'll reattach the wires, then put it back on the board.

The only markings are on the top of the spool "QL"

I quickly looked at Mousers web site, but have to measure the inductance before I can go any farther to find a replacement.

Thanks for your help Impious.

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I managed to get everything reattached and the remote works.rockwoot.gif

I checked the inductor with a DMM and it read 2.8 ohms, form my research it shouldn't be that easy to measure, I don't know.shrug.gif

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That's because you measured resistance. What you need to measure is inductance, which is not a feature most DMM's offer.

Glad it's working for you again though.

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