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only 1 output on head unit

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I'm helping a friend put together his system. This has to be such a rookie question but its something I've never had to deal with, all my systems I buy decks with enough RCA outputs. He refuses to spend money on a deck. He has a few laying around but only have 1 set of outputs on each deck. He plans to use 2 amps in his system (highs amp and sub amp) what's the best method to do this as far as running the rca's.

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.....or a 3 dollar RCA splitter if it is a full range output.

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Use the line outs on one of the amps, they pass the signal through with out any processing from the amp.

he should buy my RF 3sixty unit....


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Use the line outs on one of the amps, they pass the signal through with out any processing from the amp.

Or this ^^

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Buy a 3 sixty lmao. He is honestly the cheapest person I've ever met. Thanks bromo I knew those damn outputs were good for something lol..so simple I should have known. Thanks

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One more thing. The output is a front output. Any negative effects of using that for a sub channel and outputing from there to the highs amp? Reason I ask is cause the sub amp is the one with the output on it. I would think the crossover wouldntake care of that wouldn't it?

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One more thing. The output is a front output. Any negative effects of using that for a sub channel and outputing from there to the highs amp? Reason I ask is cause the sub amp is the one with the output on it. I would think the crossover wouldntake care of that wouldn't it?

No the lpf on the amp will take care of it, you can't use xovers on the hu because both amps will see that signal.

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As long as the output is full range it's fine.

If the output is lowpass by the amplifier then it wouldn't work.

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Ok did some more research.. I sold him my old audiopipe 1500d. Wasn't sure about the output on it.. Here is an image


Bridge in and out?

I believe that's for linking purposes. Anyone got any idea and if that is not a usable output what is my next best option?

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I say get one of those cheap clarion EQs and he can run a full setup and it should sound better than anything he could do with that radio. Just gotta find somewhere to install it. That was my prob

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.....or a 3 dollar RCA splitter if it is a full range output.

Yeah, my option only works if it full range

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Ok did some more research.. I sold him my old audiopipe 1500d. Wasn't sure about the output on it.. Here is an image


Bridge in and out?

I believe that's for linking purposes. Anyone got any idea and if that is not a usable output what is my next best option?

that's probably for bridging. the manual can be found on the AP website, it doesn't say if those outputs can be used to send fullrange signal to another amp. just that they are used for bridging.

check the other amp for rca outs or you will just have to split the signal with more y-spliters.

edit: i is dumb

Edited by lithium

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10 years ago, anything with a single RCA output was full range. I haven't been in car audio in over 5 years, so I don't know if things have changed that much, but without knowing what HU his friend is using, we shouldn't be speculating on the output capabilities of the pre-amp.

As for the amplifier above, it doesn't seem like it has an RCA pass-through (see manual here - http://www.audiopipe.com/support/manuals/files/AP_Series_Class_D_manual.pdf), just bridging support. You'll need to use an RCA splitter, assuming the other amplifier he has doesn't have an RCA pass-through.

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That's what I needed to know. Thanks.

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