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Filter settings for subs and speakers

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I have JL C2 6.5 components in the front and coax in the rear of my truck. Running off a JL JX 360 amp. I also have an SSA ICON 10 and sundown sax-1200 to power it. I was wondering where i should set the high pass filter for the speakers and the low pass filter for the sub?

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There is no definite point value, but I would start around 60hz for the HPF on the components and coax. The components already have a crossover network, but the coaxials may not.

The combination of 60hz xo point + crossover network on the comps should keep them from over-excursion, but the coaxials may still be moving too much. Use 60hz a starting point, and go up from there.

For the icon, I would set it near the same point you used for the HPF on the front, and adjust from there. Depending on the front speakers some people like to cross their subwoofers lower, while others with a lacking front stage may cross the subwoofer higher. It's all preference.

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