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How do you like the sound with the change in direction?

I tested them to make sure everything was hooked up right, but have not listened to them yet. Tomorrow I will get some listening time. I do not like to play it at the house because it shakes the houses areound me. smile.png


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I got everything finished up today. You will notice I stapled a piece of carpet on the side to cover up the wood and seat mount. It is not pretty, but the door will hide it.




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Pretty wild flex, it does not really look like this. Just the camera.

Edited by nem

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Ok so I got some play time today and I was not sure what to really expect for sealed, but I am very happy. The bass can over power everything and some people thought the earth was moving. The thing I really like is how smooth and tight the bass is across the range. These bitches do pump some serious air and put a lot of pressure on your body and your ears, lets just say I am going to keep earplugs handy when people want to hear it.

If you notice in the video both doors are open and the back window looks like it is ready to blow out!

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nice!!! fing34.gif

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Looks great! Sealed SQ subs doing work.

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nice!!! fing34.gif

Looks great!

Thanks guys.

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I need to figure when I can spend some monies and get the ports from Adrian and then the wood to build my ported enclosure... I iz sadd!!!

I also have no table saw... which is poop!!!

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<object width="400" height="224" ><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="movie" value="http://www.facebook.com/v/180157415433564" /><embed src="http://www.facebook.com/v/180157415433564" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="400" height="224"></embed></object>

How do I share with FB?

Edited by nem

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The wife just viewed this build log and told me if I go and get one of the XCONs she would hold it straight out while standing in the corner so I could take a picture and add it to this. I went down and got one of my 45lb plates and ask her to hold this out first. If she could have done that then I would be posting a picture rather than telling you about it.

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I am thinking about removing the polyfill to see how it sounds now with some play time.

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Pretty wild flex, it does not really look like this. Just the camera.

That note at the end there makes them look like they are doing the worm. ;)

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Ok so I got some play time today and I was not sure what to really expect for sealed, but I am very happy. The bass can over power everything and some people thought the earth was moving. The thing I really like is how smooth and tight the bass is across the range. These bitches do pump some serious air and put a lot of pressure on your body and your ears, lets just say I am going to keep earplugs handy when people want to hear it.

If you notice in the video both doors are open and the back window looks like it is ready to blow out!


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Pretty wild flex, it does not really look like this. Just the camera.

That note at the end there makes them look like they are doing the worm. wink.png

It does look pretty funky on the video, but man it sure is brutal!

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My little helper and I removed the polly fill today. I have not listened to it yet, but I will let you know what I think.

Here is a picture of my helper.


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Those little hands make picking out the little pieces so easy.


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Alright I just got done ripping on the XCONs for about 30 minutes and yes they get warm, but understand I was ripping on them hard. I played everything from Yello (Touch) to the Decaf mixes so they were flexing hard and well the truck is taking the beating like a champ.

With out the pollyfill in, the subs seem louder to the ear, but the box volume is almost spot on with their optium specs. I am loving the tightness of kick drum and the lowness of Yello's music. I believe as these beasts continue to loosen up it will get louder and more painfull.

This is going to be an ongoing, so you never know.

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One more thing at idle with the sundown at 1 ohm my voltage dropped to 11.8 volts. That was will into the 30 minute play time, so the added battery is really helping feed the 1 ohm power need.

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Just a little update here.

I was playing some Yello today and doing some tweeking at my church parking lot and had some people come over and tell me that they never heard something so loud sound as clear as my truck was playing music. They did the look over and said wow those are some big speakers.

I spend about 2 hours playing around and continue to be suprised at how detailed I am able to refine things. Tomorrow I hope to make a little video playing music rather than bass beating tracks to let you all experience what I do everytime I get in my truck.

If you are wondering why I use my church parking lot, it is because we built a new church on a very large lot of land and I am not bothering anybody when I am there.

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Here is my good video camera and the mic on it seems to be farting, so I am going to put the mic sock on and see if it sounds better.


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