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Patrick Danesky

Alright, got a custom box built for my SSA ICON 12"s ... question

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I had a place build me a box and i gave them website to check out the specs, i just wanna make sure everything was done properly before i go ahead and accept this box. fits perfectly in my trunk (he measured before he made it) my subs are still being manufactured... so i have time to correct this if not. any pro response would be appriciated.

H 14" x W 32" x D 24" is the overall outside dimensions.

im not sure what he tuned the port to.

the outside of the port is 12.5"x3"

if you need more measurements id be more than happy.





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How long is the port? Also no bracing or double baffle?

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no double baffle for sure, same thickness in the front... no bracing i dont believe. port length is... 20 1/2 front to the L, where the L turns into 3 1/2 and thats measuring the longest sides of the port L

Edited by Patrick Danesky

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I would definitely see about at least getting some bracing in there.. That baffle is going to be weak with those Icons with only a single baffle. See about a dowel or two from between the 2 sub cutouts to the back wall at least.

Edit: I'd be sure to seal up those speaker terminals on the inside as well to minimize leakage...

Edited by Shag

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The net volume is not horrible at around 4.3 port area is insanely small at 37.5 and the tuning seems to be around 28-29hz which unless you play a lot of bass CDs or screw/chopped music won't net a very good result overall. The port edges are not rounded and no bracing of any kind I would assume no 45 in the port.

I would say a new enclosure needs to be built if you paid any type of decent money for that one.

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Those Icons get really loud just a tip from a little birdy. I 2nd that your going to need some more bracing.

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well apparently theyre not gonna fix what im asking for, i wish i had just asked someone on here to build me a box, i didnt even use my brain. i paid 190 for it. If anyone can tell me how to do some bracing myself id appriciate it

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allthread and bolts is the best IMO

cheap and it doesn't displace much air

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PMed replied to.

As for this enclosure...you would need to fix bracing and tuning to make it really work out..but the volume is a bit large for the port area and you may get port noise do to the design as well.

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PMed replied to.

As for this enclosure...you would need to fix bracing and tuning to make it really work out..but the volume is a bit large for the port area and you may get port noise do to the design as well.

Since when does port area have any correlation with volume?

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If you are out the money anyway just try it. It definitely isn't ideal though.

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That was not what I was actually meaning..but I can see how I wrote that per how it came out.

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dbl post

Edited by pro-rabbit

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triple post

Edited by pro-rabbit

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The given port area may introduce port noise, but it will definitely affect the output. Ideally you want the vent mach to be under 10 m/s.

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if u want him to tune higher, just brace everywhere.. Simple.

that alone will raise tuning and possibly audibly if you can put enough bracing in there.

no need to use allthread, hehe, you aren't running 10kw to these icons are you?

Just get some 1-2" cylindrical dowel rods and go crazy. The bigger the better in your scenario.

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im runnin low on cash.. just dumped most of my tax check into these speakers and box, i wish i had said something here first because rabbit gave me a good deal on a box. sigh.gif but other than allthread, what can i do to modify the port and increase the baffle size?

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Op, here is what i'd honestly do. Here is a link to a box that was supposed to be mine, but I back out on it for other reasons. its 4.0 tuned to 32hz it was made for 2 AA Havocs. Argent was an awesome box maker on SSA. It is almost the SAME dimensions as you have on your current box.


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Op, here is what i'd honestly do. Here is a link to a box that was supposed to be mine, but I back out on it for other reasons. its 4.0 tuned to 32hz it was made for 2 AA Havocs. Argent was an awesome box maker on SSA. It is almost the SAME dimensions as you have on your current box.


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Argents enclosure is very close to the same price I quoted for a new custom built enclosure lol....

A good option non the less though.

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Can't do much to baffle, unless you removed the carpet, laid another sheet of wood over, made same cutouts for drivers and port. At that point, mine as well just build another box.

You can add bracing to the interior, which make null out "no double baffle" issue, and depending on the bracing, it could displace enough volume to lower the enclosure volume, and raise tuning. Raising tuning may improve the port area issue, but certainly isn't perfect. Higher tuning may or may not be desired either, depends on your preferences and goals.

Since you already have the enclosure, mine as well try it out, and see if your ears are content.

Edited by stefanhinote

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Yeah, well either way. This enclosure is also brand new, and already built so no wait time =)

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Yeah, well either way. This enclosure is also brand new, and already built so no wait time =)

Very true...

OP-Everyone has listed several ways to brace it and such. It seems you are stuck with the enclosure so you might as well see what you can do. I would say sell it locally, but i don't think you will get anywhere near what you need out of it though.

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