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Suggestions for friend on budget

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I have a friend that I am helping and recently built a killer ported box for. He has a 98 F150 regular cab. The box is 2.3cuft and tuned to 33hz with the sub forward port to drivers side.

He has a Memphis PR 12 d4 that is decent I guess but his biggest problem is the Sony Xplode 1000 watt amp. "POS" running it. I have it wired to 2 ohms and it dont like it, gets hot after only one or two songs, etc. Wired at 8 ohms it just doesnt power the sub enough. Last night I installed a set of Massive Audio VK6 6.5 components that was a huge improvement over the stock speakers lol. They are running off the head unit and sound fine.

Even trying to advice him not to, he went to a local audio store and bought the memphis sub for 130 bucks, its only rated at 250rms and I am trying to talk him into getting a FI or SSA sub but that may be later on.

What should I talk him into at this point? I was thinking a Sundown 100.4 to power the components and the sub. But if he steps up to a better sub then maybe just add a mono amp at that point and dedicate the 100.4 to mids and highs?

A new Dcon or Used Xcon or FIQ would be ideal but finding those at his budget is hard to do.


What would yall do first?

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I would get a sub capable of higher power handling. Then scour all the classifieds for a good amp. When i got that sub i would get ahold of a oscope or similar device to set the sony amp and make sure i wasnt sending a clipped signal. If the memphis sub is pretty new he can probably sell it to put towards the price of a new sub.Btw the i run 2 fi ssd 10's they are really good subs.

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