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Box recomendaiton for 8 SA 12's

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Okay, I have gone ahead and built the shell in my car and I have between 23-24 cubes total.

My plan is to run 8 sa12's off 4 saz1500's. My main concerns are with port. If i do all 8 on a flat wall i can get about 187" of port. If i go down to 6 subs I can get upwards of 320" of port.

If you go with a smaller port do you want to go with a smaller box?


Would it be better to go big box small port?

I usally go with a 14" per cubes on port area with most boxes i build, but this one I just cant get the entire 14" with 8 subs.

I had also spoken to DJ and he was said 187" in 14 cubes should be good, but i woundering if there is any rules about port area-vs-box size... Just tryign to learn here guys. thanks

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