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For those of you that have pondered about getting a sponsorship and dont know how, or some of you that think you deserve one, here are a few helpful hints.

#1 Accomplish something. Are you a nobody? Have they heard of you? Do you get noticed?

#2 Sell yourself. If you cant sell yourself to them, how are you gonna sell their product?

#3 Hold your tongue. I can guarantee you that there isnt one company out there that will sponsor a loudmouth s.o.b. that just makes negative scenes in public or on public forums. As a sposored competitor, you are representing the company.

#4 Make a game plan. What comps are you going to? Do you show off your ride or just put a blanket on it at shows? Do you plan on going to finals or springbreak as a competitor?

#5 Future plans. Do you plan on competing one year and then getting out or do you plan on staying with the company for awhile? You have to assure them your not in to get frre stuff and leave, that you are not a risk.

#6 Keep in contact. You need to let them know how you are doing, how the comps are going, anything your finding out, anything your having probs with, etc. Remember, your just like an employee, you have to show up to work! Same goes for events.

#7 Dont burn your bridges!!!!! Some people out there have burned bridges out there with companies that other companies wont even touch em since they heard about it too. If you dont think one company is going to be right for you after giving it a try, give them a shout and let em know whats going on and how to rectify the problem. One thing you dont need is to be the loudest person out there last year and this year you cant get anyone to sposnor you.

#8 Dont lie. This world might be big, but there is alot of chatter thru the ranks of competitors and manufacturers. The manufacturers have been around a very long time, and remember stuff that happens. It isnt hard to trace down Event results from a couple years ago to see if you really did place 3rd at world's finals.

I hope that helps guys. I have also attatched my rought draft pdf file for Orion to give you some clues on how to present yourself and a power point presentation in progress. Remember guys, this is about selling yourself why you should be considered. If you want it, you gotta prove it and go after it.


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Well done ... I like it. Seems like it would grab attention real quick and hold it, both the letter and the PPT.

A rule I go by is a simple one. Sponsorships come to you. Determine that however you wish.

- Steve

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  ss3079 said:
A rule I go by is a simple one. Sponsorships come to you. Determine that however you wish.

Ain't that the truth...... Put the time in and cross your fingers that you impress someone!

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Shane, if anyone deserves an Orion sponsorship, it's you

honestly, you are the reason i run all orion gear

you have always been 100% supportive and quick to answer PM's and emails with the questions i have

i wonder if Orion knows you have been working for them all this time :P

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thanks for the support bro, it makes a difference that people appreciate your help. now sometimes i do feel like i work for em, keep asking for my paycheck but i think the bob's took care of that(refer to office space movie :) ) . you wouldnt believe all the testing i have done, the emails i have received, and the box designs i have made for others. i hope that some people understand that i too am sometimes busy and when i give out my general specs instead of designing a box, its because of that. sometimes they get infuriated that i tell them 30 hertz port and they say how deep and i say 30hertz :) its just cuz i am in a hurry. somedays i dont have the patience to help, take for example last week i was quite busy with other things at home and i had someone instant messaging me for my advice for power on the h2, and he thought he would get superb performance with 1200 watts to the woofer. and i told him best performance was with the 2500d, and so he asks again about 1200 watts. he wasnt asking for advice, he was merely looking for reassurance and i cant give out false reassurance, its my weakness. so i told him to write down on a piece of paper 2500=best for h2, so he did, then he asked again and again and again, and i kept telling him to refer to the piece of paper. i feel bad i couldnt offer reassurance but I was asked my opinion on the matter, not for reassurance.

do i mind helping others with their Orion products? heck no, i love my stuff and i want people to have the same experience that i do. The Orion product has always treated me great with the abuse i put to them, which is one of the main reasons why i will always run Orion. Sometime you will have to sit in the truck this year and see exactly what i am talking about. Here is a clue: My 163 last year was at 40 hertz, and at full non clipping volume, and also at the volume i could play music clearly thru it. 163db of music daily is quite a task my friend.

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Sponsorship is always an intriguing topic. What exactly is sponsorship? I have heard many people say they are sponsored and when we finally start talking, they have paid X dollars for the products. I call that a discount.

I suppose I am one of the most "sponsored" people in the industry. True, my products are furnished and I have help in transporting the rig to shows and in building the new bronco. Hotel and air is furnished. However, I pay for all material that goes into that bronco and rig. I also pay for license, taxes, fuel, all expenses for transportation out of the travel expenses. My hobby still costs me money. I attend many shows without the bronco at my own expense or as a guest of an event sponsor - just to help promote that show and the industry.

Nothing is ever free and all sponsors expect something in return of their investment in you. My sponsors - and I consider myself darn lucky to have such wonderful sponsors - JBL, Panasonic, Dynamat, Tsunami, Python (DEI) H-O Alternators, Select Products, and BAB Batteries - all expect and get exposure from me. My rig travels thousands of miles per year and is a rolling advertisement for them. We get as much media coverage as possible for them. Our web site has them on it with direct links to their sites.

During our short career, our first out of industry coverage was in Newsweek several years ago. That little blurp is what started the ball rolling.

I was lucky enough to be selected to do a 10 city tour and promote MERA (Mobile Electronic Retailers Association) and MECP (Mobile Electronic Certification Program). During this time, we did TV appearances on WGNTV (Chicago and Cleveland) and we did a Good Morning TV tour out of the Panasonic Head Quarters in NJ. I think we went into 19 states in about 2 hours. That was awesome.

Wired Magazine was doing sometype of research and up popped Alma in Newsweek. This caught the attention of someone at Wired and Lights went off and next thing I knew, we were in Wired, http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/8.10/stereocar.html.

That was great coverage.

Phoenix New Times picked up on Wired and so did Jane Magazine. -http://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/issues/2000-11-09/feature.html/page1.html ....

We had Real NetWorks contact us and we were their guest in 2000 at the World Internet Convention in NYC. We introduced Real Audio8 to the Internet world via the Bronco. From there we made it to the Learning Channel, and the Discovery Channel and Ripleys Believe It or Not.

Recently, we were covered in the Washington Post and Popular Mechanics and FHM Magazine. We have the last article on the Beast coming out shortly in Performance Auto & Sound Magazine.

One thing I have always tried to be is honest and fair with consumers and members of the industry. Nothing rules, nothing sucks.. Products are products, and all products are a matter of individual taste, preference, and budget. With the right install, almost any product can be made to work.

People know the products in my vehicle work best for me in my application. The products used in my Bronco are my preference. Just like Shanes is his preference and whatever you use is your preference.

The more we promote our products and the industry we all love, the more products we will be able to sell (and we do sell products) the larger our industry will grow and the more funding the industry will have for sponsorships.. :D

Getting sponsored is not easy and is never a free ride. You cannot get that trophy - take it home - and expect sponsors to come knocking on your door. It just doesn't work that way. I have had so many young people want to know how to get sponsored - the only answer I can give them is - you don't. You must earn that right.

On top of this, we have had people who have abused the system. They get products and either dont run them or sell them or jump from one bed to another.

Unethical conduct puts a bad taste in a manufacturers mouth and I don't blame them. Bottom line is it hurts future competitors and makes it much more difficult for them to get products.

I guess my last though - please don't give up on getting sponsors. You just have to work hard and do the best you can. You never know unless you try!

Shane - this post is all your fault!!!!! ;)

Edited by AZSPL

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That has to be the most well put speal on sponsorship I have seen yet. VERY VERY well done. By the way I am working towards exactly what we are talking about. :D

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i have found that to get one all use gotta do is ask, not saying that you will get one, but i have asked a many of company from audio, to rims, to tv's and they have all said send a pic of your car and history of comps. I haven't sent anything before but if i ever need to i know what to do..

form JL AUDIO:

In regard to getting a sponsorship- there are many people who ask for JL to sponsor them but not many follow through with doing what they need to do to make it happen. The first thing would be to draw up a failry specific system diagram of what you're planning on doing, some pictures of your vehicle, and a statement of how you will use it to help promote JL Audio as well as compete.

:thud: :boink:

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