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so my question is, what size alternator should i need. i have 2 cvx122 kickers running off a saz2500d running at 2 ohms, custom ram-designs box, (which by the way is sweet and well worth the money :thanx: ) 2 runs of 0gauge pos, 1 run of 0gauge neg, big 3, 1 d3100. its a 98 s10 4.3 x motor(hi output). i bought a 220 powermaxx but unsure if this is enuff. Any way to calculate if i need more or another batt?

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You should be fine with that alternator, and 1 XS D3100 @2 Ohms.

However if you are going to upgrade your subs, which I would imagine you would eventually, and run that puppy at 1 ohm, I would consider getting at least another d3100 for reserve power.

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Topic was double posted, I merged them into one.

If you already have the equipment, I would suggest you hook it all up and see how it handles it. Difficult to troubleshoot a problem that doesn't truly exist yet, as a large portion of your needs will depend upon your listening habits.

Why do you have a double run of positive but only a single ground?

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Topic was double posted, I merged them into one.

If you already have the equipment, I would suggest you hook it all up and see how it handles it. Difficult to troubleshoot a problem that doesn't truly exist yet, as a large portion of your needs will depend upon your listening habits.

Why do you have a double run of positive but only a single ground?


a single d3100 should be good enough for 2500wrms.... now if you get another amp and then push 5kwrms then i would look into getting another d3100....

and that alt should be good enough :fing34:

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I haven't run the cables yet, just saw from previous posts in here that 2 runs we're needed, or I misread. Lol. Alternator is installed and subs are in a jl audio 12w7 ported box. Current amp is a kicker 500.1 and stock alternator I could pump at lvl 28 without any problems at idle. I put alternator in and can't get past lvl 25 on same song without voltage fluctuation big time. I emailed power max and this is what guy says.

"How you calculate and bought 220A alternator ?if you have 5000watt sound system 5000= 416A that is mean you need minimum 500A alternator to take care your sound system you need to install second alternator to get that much power ,This alternator will not work for you and you can send it back,you can install two 250A alternator the alternator you can install two 8292 x 250A each and total you can get 500A but not in idle normaly all altenator will give you maximum power when you are driving and in idle you can get 45% power that is why you need second battery and high capacitor ,If you have more question you can call me"

I was planning on bridging 2 saz2500's but decided not too. So I will only be runnin at 2 ohms for now till I get the money to get some fi's. Then run them at 1 ohm. I was mainly concerned about th voltage fluctuation, is this normal with high output alts? I'm going to put an amp clamp on the output wire tomm and load the system down and see what it actually puts out.

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I bought a db electric alternator a few years back. Worst decision I made. Voltage is all over the damn place while driving. At idle it's garbage.. I think that's how the majority of ho alts are...I learned to not be cheap when it comes to electrical equipment... Should have my dc power 250xp here any day for my next build.. ;) I don't think I'm going to have that problem anymore.

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Topic was double posted, I merged them into one.

If you already have the equipment, I would suggest you hook it all up and see how it handles it. Difficult to troubleshoot a problem that doesn't truly exist yet, as a large portion of your needs will depend upon your listening habits.

Why do you have a double run of positive but only a single ground?

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Topic was double posted, I merged them into one.

If you already have the equipment, I would suggest you hook it all up and see how it handles it. Difficult to troubleshoot a problem that doesn't truly exist yet, as a large portion of your needs will depend upon your listening habits.

Why do you have a double run of positive but only a single ground?

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Thanks. Didn't realize the section I was in till it was too late and sorry for the double post.

Edited by s10bassjunkie

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Sounds like the alternator you bought has a really crappy idle output. I would see about sending it back, and getting a Mechman.

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yea, after debating it for all of 2 minutes, i'm going to send it back and get a mechman. they have a 270 amp for my truck. cant wait for it to come..... :morepower1:

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