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PPI PC2150! Got a manual?? I'll buy it!

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I cant stand this chit anymore! OOppss can I swear in here? LOL Anyways Ive done everykind of search for the PPI car amps on all models. High and low through Google searches with rephrasing the words and the whole bit! For makin some bomb ass amps they suck with tellin you how to use the Dang Things!!! Well yeah I know they sold out and ya da ya da but CHHEEZZZ can I get a lil help people! Startin to get frustrated,mad,tired and ready 4 a new amp! Only had these PPI's for a lil over 4 months together but now I think I want a 1500W to 2000W Mono Amp or 2 channel. But I put in some time and efforts pickin up these PC 2150's and they are tight as hell. But I have this one right here layin onn the ground all ripped open and want to know a lil somethin but cant find nada! Just doin a RCA repair but wanted to know what happens with all these componets, transcistors, jumpers, capacitors and the works but cant find no one to help a PPI owner out! Would love to know all about this amp & I mean everything! I mean since I bought 2 might as well get acuainted with your hardware! Anyone in here got a old manual you want to send me or copy it with a scanner and tell me how much to send it to me! Plus can you have to of these hooked up to where there like a single driver(Master/Slave like the Viper/Directed amps?)Anyone know?

By the way I got my ride hittin hard as hell and want someone to DB test me but who and where they got time I dont know! I have 2-15's runnin off one amp and 2 12's runnin the other! Plus what buttons do I want pushed in and vice versa with both amps! One amp is hooked up to my Sub/out RCA comin off deck and the other is just runnin on own rca's on deck also! Want loudest possible setup to be told to me by GREAT CAR GODS? Or a cool SSA member wil work! What's my ohms at like this??? All subs parralell config (Dual 6 ohm Voice coils) is it dropped to a half ohm or is it 1.5 like on JL's site when running an amp to 2 subs a piece? All subs would have to be on just one amp to get to a half ohm correct??? I dont know thats why I AM A askin! Thanks SSA

Sorry i just wrote all this bleh blab when I aint even posted in a couple months. Just makin up for lost time! Oh yeah got a Optima Battery installed a month ago and havent died once since!!!! :woot::woot:

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