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Help! Screws keep backing out!!

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Ok so I used bigger drywall screws and it actually held up longer but then did the same so, t nuts it is?

I have never had this happen. Maybe I'm not loud enough :ughdunno:

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I would find the cause and not the effect.

Something is causing the baffle to resonate more near that speaker than the rest of the box, so i would try and brace more to see if that helps.

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Could it be because the panel has a slight deviation in it? From to long of a brace and the Front panel is flexed out?

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i wouldnt use hurricane or tnuts when so clase to the mounting hole..

This is what i would do-

And i've done this before.. and it is very strong!

IF this doesn't work.. then you are doing it wrong...

Take the sub out and seal all the holes are are not going to be using.

Next, get some bolts. If you used single layer 3\4", i'd get 2" bolts and normal nuts are fine.

Dump some Epoxy Resin into each bolt hole.

Drive each bolt through the hole.

Let bolts sit for 24hrs to cure.

MAKE SURE all bolts are properly sticking up at the right angle or you'll never get your sub remounted!

After 24hrs, drop sub over bolts very slowly.

The resin will prohibit the bolts from ever turning while tightening the nuts up.

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