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2007 Dodge Caliber SXT Build

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I like your box a lot ! Wish I could have something like that in my car !

Tuned in for sure !

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hhhmmmmmm... This was a built off a design supplied to me. Should work out rather well though.


No hating on the pic...I carpeted it at home while watching the playoffs lol... :D

I actually do this a lot so I don't spend all my time at the shop.

Love that box! plus you even plugged it into the wall for faster drying of the spray glue used to keep the carpet down! amazing thinking passing current though your box to keep it warm, kind a like plugging your car in during the winter time!

:drink40: :drink40:

LMOA!! jk but i am tuned in for sure!

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Check it out!!!Got my subs and enclosure today :woot: Now just waiting till The 1st so I can buy batteries and wire.Getting Close to install time!!!!! :woot::woot:

Top Shot


Side Shot


And Look At That Booty!!!


The Enclosre


Edited by HawkEye

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Hey all.Been looking at some batteries I could get locally and was wondering if 3 of these batteries would work for me. http://www.oreillyauto.com/site/c/detail/SSB0/AGM31DT.oap?ck=Search_N0056_SSB_-1_4061&mn=Super+Start&mc=SSB&pt=N0056&ppt=C1980

They are 105ah each so I assume that 3 would work but want some more info and opions on them.Thanks and let me know.

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I imagine they are decent but I've never heard anything about them or seen any testing. They probably make very similar power compared to Kinetik's KHC2000 and Shuriken's BT-100 for approximately the same cost but the car audio brands are a bit smaller. The Shurikens would be approximately the same cost as the Super Starts and the Kinetiks would cost a bit more than either choice (unless you have some old batteries for cores and/or get a discount at your local O'reilly's. There are some advantages to buying local though.

Are you planning on installing the batteries in the spare tire well? Have you checked to be sure they will fit?

The 250 amp alternator, factory spec battery under the hood and 300+ ah in reserve near the amps should be plenty to run 5k.

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Those superstarts look awfully similar to my old deka 9a31s, If they are the same they are a very solid battery, Had 4 of them in my old explorer last year. never saw below 14.7 volts. Only downfall is I think they were 80 lbs each, awesome looking build tuned in for sure!

Edited by CFAIST

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Those superstarts look awfully similar to my old deka 9a31s, If they are the same they are a very solid battery, Had 4 of them in my old explorer last year. never saw below 14.7 volts. Only downfall is I think they were 80 lbs each, awesome looking build tuned in for sure!

OK cool.You mentioned that they looked similar to the deka's and I have also read on a couple other places that they are basically rebadged deka intimadators so that is why I am thinking of buying them

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Hey all qick update. I got everything I need except wire at the moment. I bought 3 9a31 batteries and the should be here soon. Ive been doing a little thinking and what if I did 1 run of 4/0 guage wire for the + and - ? Would that work ok or should I just do the 4 runs of 1/0 guage? Also, why exactly do I need to run negitive wire from the front battery to the back? Could i not hust do a couple of grounds in the back so I wouldnt have to run all the wire?

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well look at it like this 4/0 has a area of 107mm^2

while 1/0 has a area of 53.5mm^2

so 4 runs of 1/0 would be better as there is more area then a single run of 4/0 could supply.

I am not sure how much amperage 4/0 can support but I know (depending on the brand) 1/0 can support around 250-300amps.

Since you are only running 5000rms, which could pull say 400amps (on 12 volts DC) , also I assume 4/0 could handle a fair amount current. plus running a single run of wire is much easier.

To support my 5k (2-saz2500) I use 2 runs of 1/0 wire and on the positive runs. I also have the big 3 done to my car so the body is acting as one big ground to start with plus I have multiple spots grounded on my car to help with this.

but that is how I see it! do the single run of 4/0 if it is cheaper! I don't know how flexible it will be but let us know how you like it ;)

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