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Port tuning while accounting for port displacement

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I made up a few pages for port tuning, that account for port displacement, as I haven't seen anything online that offered it.

Slot Port: http://portsgalore.stefanhinote.com/?do=portlength

Aero Ports: http://portsgalore.stefanhinote.com/?do=portaerolength

It uses the port length equation from the loudspeaker cookbook.

Input: volume, port dimensions, tuning.

It figures out the port length, and port volume (port length * port area).

Subtracts port volume from original volume = net volume.

With the found port length and net volume, it figures out the real tuning.

From there it has something to start with, and starts adjusting the original tuning frequency until the net tuning is within 0.5hz of the original tuning.

So as stated above, the tuning outcome is within 0.5hz of the target frequency, it'll list exactly what it is.

For aeros it adds one inch to the length for the flaring, as does psp-tools. For multiple aeros, it divides the volume by the number of aeros, solves for that new volume with one port, and pieces it back together in the end.

I've compared the numbers I got when accounting for port displacement to the numbers you would get if your subtracted the port displacement from the volume and used external ports, and the math looks good.

I had to take a few breaks as all the code was starting to get fuzzy to me. :lol:

If anyone else would like to try out, confirm the numbers, etc, that would be appreciated. My hope is that it'll help out everyone whose designing their enclosure, but I don't want to provide incorrect information either.

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I can only confirm to Torres calculator and BTC on android. Seems legit. Like the simple layout Stef. Plus one when I'm not mobile!!!

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