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help w/ first soundsplinter setup

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i've read incredible things about soundsplinter and considering them in my next setup. its going in a '05 toyota tacoma access cab. my install has space limitations. i have only .88 gross cu. ft, and 600/700 watts available. i am SQ focussed, but want to wang as well. two rl-i 8s seem perfect, but they don't come in the VC configuration i need. i need a final 2 ohm load. since the rl-p does not come in 10, the rl-p 12 is my only other option (that i am aware of). is .88 gross too little for a rl-p 12" even if i add poly ?

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rli-8 comes in both dual 4 ohm, and single 4 ohm voice coil configs. If you can't get what you want with that, then I don't know what to say :P

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0.88 cu ft gross on the RL-p12 will cause a fairly significant loss of output on the low-end. It will play very smooth and attain quite a flat response curve, but like I said, you may find the low-end lacking in such a small enclosure, even with polyfill. Then again, if you're not as concerned with output below 35 Hz and are generally in the market for flat clean response, the RL-p could work in that enclosure just fine.

You could also run with either the RL-i10 or RL-i8 D4 and wire in parallel to 2ohms, or even a pair of RL-i8 S4's and wire the pair in parallel for 2ohms as well. The pair of 8's with ~325 a piece would be pretty sweet.. but so would the single 8" or 10". However, if you run with a single RL-i, I would keep your amplifier gain set conservatively since the RL-i series drivers use a 2" coil that is rated for 300 watts, and depending on the material you're listening to, the full 600-700 watts could damage the speaker if used excessively.

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0.88 cu ft gross on the RL-p12 will cause a fairly significant loss of output on the low-end.  It will play very smooth and attain quite a flat response curve, but like I said, you may find the low-end lacking in such a small enclosure, even with polyfill.  Then again, if you're not as concerned with output below 35 Hz and are generally in the market for flat clean response, the RL-p could work in that enclosure just fine.

You could also run with either the RL-i10 or RL-i8 D4 and wire in parallel to 2ohms, or even a pair of RL-i8 S4's and wire the pair in parallel for 2ohms as well.  The pair of 8's with ~325 a piece would be pretty sweet.. but so would the single 8" or 10".  However, if you run with a single RL-i, I would keep your amplifier gain set conservatively since the RL-i series drivers use a 2" coil that is rated for 300 watts, and depending on the material you're listening to, the full 600-700 watts could damage the speaker if used excessively.

that's awesome.. i didn't know the rl-i 8 comes in single 4 vc. the web site only shows a dual 4, unless i'm over looking it. with 600/700 watts, sealed, music style = mostly rock, what is optimum enclosure volume for two rl-i 8s ?

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that's awesome..  i didn't know the rl-i 8 comes in single 4 vc.  the web site only shows a dual 4, unless i'm over looking it.  with 600/700 watts, sealed, music style = mostly rock, what is optimum enclosure volume for two rl-i 8s ?

Single 4's aren't quite ready yet. The coils have arrived though, so they should be cranked out sometime this week, next week at the latest (crossing fingers ;) ). As for your enclosure question, I'd say a good 0.5 cu ft per driver would work quite well for your purpose. If you want to go into greater dialogue, you got my email!

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