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Wow! This took an unexpected turn. Lots of variables to test in an attempt to get the sound and response in the vehicle that you would like. Worst case scenario would be that you sell it off and try something different. I'm sure you wouldn't have any problems finding someone to purchase it. Just like most of this hobby, alot has to do with install and personal preferences. Maybe your own current issues can help you understand a little better what I have going on as well? ;)

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I didn't get to read everything, but when you went from the Icon to the Zcon did you get a new enclosure or alter it in anyway? That may help with some of the response issues you may be having right now.


Just read you were going to try a few different enclosures. When you do could you post up some specs and what your thoughts were on them overall?

Edited by pro-rabbit

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I've tried explaining to him that what he is hearing during music is the zcon peaking lower than his Icon. that's why the icon sounds louder to the ear.

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I guess I'm not special enough to get secrets sad.png LOL

You are special to meeeee (singing voice)

My fast ninja skillz couldn't resist

I know who NOT to tell secrets to next time! laugh.png

Next time I will not spill the beans. But at least tell me when I gots secrets!!!!

lol I was j/k

damn bean spillers

We're not going to say any names or anything EDOUBLE

Wow! This took an unexpected turn. Lots of variables to test in an attempt to get the sound and response in the vehicle that you would like. Worst case scenario would be that you sell it off and try something different. I'm sure you wouldn't have any problems finding someone to purchase it. Just like most of this hobby, alot has to do with install and personal preferences. Maybe your own current issues can help you understand a little better what I have going on as well? wink.png

Well that was very early impression that I haven't tooken the proper time to tune anything really. Hopefully with some more playing around and tweaking everything will get better.


Yes I have updates :) thanks for the interest! Yesterday was the first time doing any tweaking, 3rd shift/school/ really kicks my ass some times. Plus nothing special really has happend. So yesterday I pluged in my 45hz tuned port and raised my SSF accordingly and I recieved much better results, as well raised the sub volume on XEQ. So this leads me to believe a few things. One being, if Shizzzon theory of larger enclosure influence the driver to idle lower notes, than a higher tune may bring some balance. Also, before, I was able to turn the sub volume up much before because it would bottom out, I must have not set the SSF correctly. I have a MECA event tomorrow to attend to, so with the shorter length of tune, I will bring enclosure closer towards the gate, which I'm hoping will yield even better results. During early testing with the 45hz tune and changed SSF, the excursion of the Zcon on lower notes was amazing on the lower notes, I was suprised really, with no signs of stress. So after the even, I may decide to tune to 37hz which will bring the enclsoure closer to the tailgate. Currently, since tunning to 34hz requires so much length, the actually subwoofer is a pretty good distance away from the tailgate, I have a feeling that that too may be why I am loosing some pressure, because when I go back there right now, MAN, its like 155dbz back there, causing blurry vision and all.

I didn't get to read everything, but when you went from the Icon to the Zcon did you get a new enclosure or alter it in anyway? That may help with some of the response issues you may be having right now.


Just read you were going to try a few different enclosures. When you do could you post up some specs and what your thoughts were on them overall?

Thanks for the support rabbit :) To answer your questioni, yes, when going to the Zcon I built a brand new enclosure. Another reason why I haven't done much changing, is because I really need a meter. I myself enjoy data. Listening by ear is just too much of an guess for me to say which setup is louder than the other as I'm assuming the MAXimum difference will be 4dbs has me and Shizzzon have discovered in earlier testing. The closest meter to my knowledge is 3 hours away in KY where shizzons lives. Theres a DB meter app for the droid, but not sure how accurate it is, but I may still use it as refference.

I've tried explaining to him that what he is hearing during music is the zcon peaking lower than his Icon. that's why the icon sounds louder to the ear.

Oh I understand sean and I believe you may be right. If I hear an increase in volume by swithching to a smaller enclosure, I will add volume to the current one that I've build.

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Oh I forgot you had the monster external port. I did a lot of testing in my lc and found if it was too far from a wall the output was drastically reduced.

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and this is why im glad i have BTLs :P

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and this is why im glad i have BTLs tongue.png

isnt relevant at all, would probably have similar issues as well but thanks for your input

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and this is why im glad i have BTLs :P

like that makes a fuckin difference.

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Plus 20 bucks :OhYeah:

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and this is why im glad i have BTLs tongue.png

like that makes a fuckin difference.

actually it does. and you'll see that when im done...

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Plus 20 bucks OhYeah.gif

Congrats bro!!!

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Nice! What was your score?

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Well you had this for a few, how does it sound?

idk if I should say this just yet, since I haven't metered it yet. But I will say this, I agree with you/ricki/liljestrend

I'm going to try a few things out though, not sure when as its time consuming, but heres a list.

  • change box with the Audible Customs box
  • change box with Shizzzon box
  • change ports
  • move around all three boxes positioning

If all thoese fail, then I will reomove the Arc Audio XEQ just as another variable, even though I used it at the last MECA I went to...

Not really a sub for music and takes goobs of power to get loud. I tried to tell you peepwall.gif Good luck though bro. Hopefully you can achieve what you want!

thats a pretty false statement . im gonna have to step in here. the zcons sounds very good on music, ive had tons of compliments on how then sounded at shows doing demos. im no sq guy but i know when a sub sounds like poopoo on music. the zcon is not one of them. as for needing gobbs of power..... come on bro. have you seen my videos with the sae1200 before i got my DCs?

dont mean to jack the thread but i dont want it going around that these are SPL only subs and cant play music.

I'd just like to step in and say something since my name was brought up. Like they stated I have voiced the same concerns that they had which were:

The zcons move a ton, and I mean a ton of air. But for some reason they just didn't have that "thump". Its hard to explain on the computer, heck drew couldn't even figure out what I was trying to say. Even people I demo'd it for said it sounded great and moved a lot of air but was lacking that "thump". I don't know how to explain why it was like this. Could have been my install. Who knows.

Now I don't want people to think this was the reason I was switching to the sp4's. That move was purely so I could run sealed, so I could have my back seat back. And hopefully here soon I can do a comparison of the two.

But back to sencheezy it seems he may have fixed his issues....grats on the trophy man!

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Thanks guys! Did a 38 flat at 51hz. I learned a lot again at this event. It seems I'm learning more and more at each event, which is the goal as well. My first run I actually did a 35. I still feel both of these scores are embarressing, as my goal with this subwoofer was between 43-47. But without ANY tweaking of any kind, it is litterally a much different experience. Now that I have been on both sides, it really is a difference maker. I felt going into this event was like, walking in blind compared to spend 5 plus hours of just tweaking prior from the last event. I may invest into a meter here pretty soon, not too sure yet.

On my first run, I simply turned up everthing. On my second run, I turned HU volume to max, and 1/4 volume on master and sub volume on XEQ.

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Thanks guys! Did a 38 flat at 51hz. I learned a lot again at this event. It seems I'm learning more and more at each event, which is the goal as well. My first run I actually did a 35. I still feel both of these scores are embarressing, as my goal with this subwoofer was between 43-47. But without ANY tweaking of any kind, it is litterally a much different experience. Now that I have been on both sides, it really is a difference maker. I felt going into this event was like, walking in blind compared to spend 5 plus hours of just tweaking prior from the last event. I may invest into a meter here pretty soon, not too sure yet.

On my first run, I simply turned up everthing. On my second run, I turned HU volume to max, and 1/4 volume on master and sub volume on XEQ.

Awesome man! It'll get better with experience.

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Thanks rick!

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So the first trophy pic was with lotion, and this one is with paper towels. Lol, do they sit next to each other on the shelf? Two trophies with lube and cleanup? JK. Congrats on the win. It sounds like your next purchase should a meter.

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So the first trophy pic was with lotion, and this one is with paper towels. Lol, do they sit next to each other on the shelf? Two trophies with lube and cleanup? JK. Congrats on the win. It sounds like your next purchase should a meter.

LOL +1

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where's the updates young man?!

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Kind of fix my subwoofer problem(s), I put a new port in, tuned to 37hz now, and I have MUCH better results! Right now I'm back at the output of the icon, so moving forward lol. Once I get back in town, (In toledo, OH), I will disconnect the XEQ to see what results that brings me. For some reason, While in motion, the sub amp quiets down, then once I come to a stop, sub output increases about 20%, lol really weird. Also, the zcon was making a scratching noise at low and really high Frequencies, not sure exactly why, but just playing with the Master volume and sub volume of Xeq seemed to fix the scratching noise at low freq, and on the DVD, I have 3 xover settings for the sub output, 50hz/64hz/80hz, and so, when I put on 50hz, it seemed to solve that issue, I just got to match all the settings. Even though its crossed at 50hz from Dvd, it still plays up to where I believe I have it crossed on amp (80hz). But thats pretty much it, I will update once home again, had a few packages delivered :peepwall:

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I will update once home again, had a few packages delivered :peepwall:

cant wait to see :)

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