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Dylan Matlow

From: Omega Midbass (22mm of xmax)

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Why all this stroke for a "midrange" driver?  Hell, I don't know anyone who would need it even for midbass.  Seems to be more well suited as a small sub driver.

What is the exact inductance?

Seems a little excessive for just a midrange, or is there something else in mind?


Its not rly a dedicated midrange it is indeed a midbass driver. Without any boost or cabin gain the f3 is 70hz IB. IB this driver has more output with 1 watt of input then the extremis with 1 watt from 15hz on up even though it has a higher f3... so with a little bit of bass boost or a linkwitz transform you can make these extend as low as you want. Simply because the xmax is there though doesn't mean you have to use it, just some people like to listen to their music at rather insane levels... Not to mention you can still run it into xmax even with a 2nd order highpass at 50hz IB with its minimum projected max power. We still have to give it a stress test to find out how much power it will take before it blows.

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