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Is there something I'm missing????

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I cant get into the "For sale/Wanted threads?!?!?! It just keeps telling me that "I dont have permission to use this feature". :huh2:

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You are still a "newbie" so it won't let you

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As mentioned above, you'll need 25 posts in order for the For Sale section to work for you.

This gives some sense of security to members purchasing, as well as prevents this forum from being a dumping ground for peoples equipment.

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to add to what steve has said, it keeps the dealers out, and deters from members just joining up to sell their equipment and leaving... we want people to come on and stay a while and actually become a member and then after a little bit the window opens for sale of items,

and its 25 posts, oh forgot to say :WELCOME:

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Thats cool, it makes sence. I just had a friend that was looking for some subs so I figured that I would look here. I do mostly reading here to pick up and learn. :fing34: Well as soon as I hit that magic # i'll look and see whats there. Thx, Victor. :D

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My name ... is Victor .................. Frankenstein.

Do you share my madness?

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Since we brought it up....this smells like canadian car audio. Which also has a FS rule closely resembling the description in statement #2.

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I know several other boards that have something like this in place...

25 posts really isn't a lot, when you think about it :)

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Since we brought it up....this smells like canadian car audio.  Which also has a FS rule closely resembling the description in statement #2.

This is not 'canadain car audio' in any way, shape, or form - this is SoundSolutionsAudio.com / TeamSSAudio.com. We don't model this forum based on 'canadian car audio' and what they do.

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Since we brought it up....this smells like canadian car audio.  Which also has a FS rule closely resembling the description in statement #2.

This is not 'canadain car audio' in any way, shape, or form - this is SoundSolutionsAudio.com / TeamSSAudio.com. We don't model this forum based on 'canadian car audio' and what they do.

Down spike. Down.

I can read. Well aware of the URL im at.

lol Im glad your were offended! Thats a good sign. Still. Odd/weird/detrimental FS rules seem to be "in" this year.

Seems some forums cut the legs out of FS, instead of just not having it all together. 25 posts to VIEW/BUY means noone can slide by and just see something they may like to buy. I dont want, or need, yours or anyones involvement with what i choose to buy. I trust MY judgement in these instance to anyones, and dont need to be "protected". I understand not being able to POST/SELL, but not the inability to buy. Hell it cant even be searched from and outside engine......since only 25 posted, registered members can see it. Leaving the FS limited to a very small member base. Why even have a FS then?

I dont care really, just my .002 ;) of a cent.

I just buy, rarely sell, ..............

and i have my 25. :woot:

Ni big deal. :huh2:

Edited by Renegadesrun

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I just double checked the permissions, and everyone except banned members should be able to see the forsale section,

there was an issue when I changed the settings and added an additional member group that all brand new members fall into, making all "new members" (group) unable to post in the classified section, but that was resolved when the member logged out and logged back in,

the idea is to more so deter spammers and wholesalers (unless approved by me) from using the forum as a free place to sell their items, I feel that I prefer to protect the members of the board and slow down the activity of the for sale section then open the section up to all who registers here, I have to think long term because the forum (approx 5 years old, rebuild in 2k3) is gaining more traffic and more memebers, but we are contsantly trying new ideas and adjustments..

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I just double checked the permissions, and everyone except banned members should be able to see the forsale section,

there was an issue when I changed the settings and added an additional member group that all brand new members fall into, making all "new members" (group) unable to post in the classified section,

the idea is to more so deter spammers and wholesalers (unless approved by me) from using the forum as a free place to sell their items, I feel that I prefer to protect the members of the board and slow down the activity of the for sale section then open the section up to all who registers here, I have to think long term because the forum (approx 5 years old, rebuild in 2k3) is gaining more traffic and more memebers, but we are contsantly trying new ideas and adjustments..

I just preapprove all FS ads, and make them wait until the have 50 posts to post one. (Unless its one of the many many good sellers we know)

All members can see and buy and reply.

If a post doesnt meet criteria, i just dont approve it.

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I am confused, so you allow a new member to post a for sale item but dont approve it until 50 posts?

I dont understand. As it stands now, the system we are using is working well, even though we do have a small handful of old members who just post in the forsale section... but they are very few and far between.

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I am confused, so you allow a new member to post a for sale item but dont approve it until 50 posts?

I dont understand.  As it stands now, the system we are using is working well, even though we do have a small handful of old members who just post in the forsale section... but they are very few and far between.

For the record, you do whateverthefukyouwant D. Its your house. Im just not sure why the FS is kept from the potential buyers and guests. How can you get screwed by cash in hand before you ship? If you get screwed by a buyer/guest, your a freaking idiot, and there is no help for you, and no amount of protection is going to do a bit of good.

No, the post doesnt sit in que until they reach fifty posts. Absurd.

A new person can post it, but it will be deleted from que (que is checked daily) if they dont meet critieria. You can post until your blue in the face, but if you dont meet posting criteria it will never show. I dont mail and say why....if they do and ask, i copy and paste the FS rules link. Low maint.

Anyway, a scammer can have any count, and begin to do so at any time. Good posting members is no guarantee of the mettle of a man. Yet, making sure they arent fly-bys does help. (IE....making sure they cant post until they have x amount of posts) Limit the sellers in w/e fashion you wish. But why handicap the sale? Set up in this fashion its a waste of time to even post IMO.

Only slotted members, of a low count member base, can see and reply and buy from FS. Wow.

Thats like opening a dealership to sell cars, but only allowing buyers over 65, from the class of 62' to view/ buy. You have 1500 peeps.....but how many are actual posters? 1/3 of that and youd be doing phenominal. So who really sees your FS ads. Hardly anyone Sir, and that is my point.

Place ad here, but only if you just "kinda" want to sell it. :runlaugh:

If members and guests can "see" them, then this is all moot. It wasnt that way 2 days ago. I guess its my turn to be confizzled.

Edited by Renegadesrun

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A new person can post it, but it will be deleted from que (que is checked daily) if they dont meet critieria.  You can post until your blue in the face, but if you dont meet posting criteria it will never show.  I dont mail and say why....if they do and ask, i copy and paste the FS rules link.  Low maint.

I like this que / approve threads thing.

You should've suggested this right off the bat!

Meathead :P;)

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new members have two different options if they do not have the needed posts, if they see something they want to buy they can email or PM the member selling the item, that way it avoids them just posting bumps or spam in just the forsale section and getting their 25 posts real fast,

as it stands, there is no way I can que posts by member groups with this software, so if I were to move to an approved threads set up in the forsale section then it would really hinder the members who are regulars or at least have been here for a while, their topic would be held up until a super mod or I was able to approve it,

I appricate your ideas, but until we upgrade to the newest software I don't have as much flexability as I would sometimes like

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With the amount of traffic in the FS section here, I'm going to assume that the admins and super mods would be able to approve threads rather quickly for the entire member base.

Ah well, something to discuss.

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Im slow. Tell me why i couldnt see actual posts there before 25 posts "here", just a couple days ago. :dunce:

I would click on the FS section, but i was redirected to a different screen more or less explaining why i couldnt see them. Wasnt trying to post, just wanted to look.

Back to the que, i think i speak for most all of my staff when i say its nice to have. You can also use judgement and flex for sellers you know or know of. I never cared if nomad posted or not at the forum, but i talk to him all the time irl and would let him sell with no posts...and have. Technically, the que, if your softare/program/..w/e supports it, works the same as post count restrictions....end result is the same, 25 posts and it didnt make it to the screen. I know yours doesnt. Bummer.

As post que reviewer you could also get first crack at it, and it keeps the mods motivated to check. :fing34:

Who does your hosting? Are they stable all the time?

Edited by Renegadesrun

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the board had to recount each members account, either you had to sign out and sign back in (once you have past 25), or now that you passed 25 it auto shows up,

when there is a forum change that effects the members (such as access to a section), due to the amount of members, the board changes does not take effect until the member signs out and signs back in, just like when you install new software or adjust something in the control panel of your computer and it tells you changes will not take effect until you restart your computer, you did nothing wrong its just the way the forum software works :)

as for the host, it is pretty stable, but when we upgrade I will be probably wanting to move to a more reliable host, but I have some time before I have to deal with that yet

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See im in the same boat, not the most reliable host. Im ready to upgrade tho, and im really interested in "who's next".

At the very least i would like some semblence of service this time!

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