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VXX vs Q

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How do these two subs compare to one another..?? I am currently running a18 Fi Q sealed. Box is on the rather small side with polyfil but i know this sub is capable of more.... Seen the vvx can be ran in small sealed boxes and know the play lowend pretty good.. Figured i may switch from 1 18 to 2 15 due the fact of more cone area....

Amp is a mmats dhcx2200.1

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no where near the same.

Not even in the same damn continent. Can't tell if this is what you want, but if you want more output why don't you port the Q?

If output is a major concern then why did you buy the Q to begin with?

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Q vs vvx? Should not even be in the same sentence, two very different drivers.

And you say you have it in a small sealed box? Put it in a ported enclosure and you will notice a nice gain in output.

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Output really isnt an issue... I just know the Q has more in it. I bought it back in 09, was going to do an install in my suv but it got totaled. Already had a system in my grand prix so i just sat on for like over 2yrs! Sold the old stuff i had n decided this past summer to run it sealed in my grand prix. Trunk opening isnt big enough to do a ported box..... Thats why fugured i would go with more cone area.... "sealed". Have though about doing 1 15 ported...

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I think i may "maxed out" with the Q. Cant do a ported box. I mean its not like im NOT happy with it, think im just getting use to it! Lol and i know its capable of more.....

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So, you wanna switch to woofer that are WAYYY shittier just so you "max them out"?

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I think i may "maxed out" with the Q. Cant do a ported box. I mean its not like im NOT happy with it, think im just getting use to it! Lol and i know its capable of more.....

If you have a q and want more I would recommend getting their new sp4. It seems like its prety much a q on steroids. I know that is what I want next.

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If you can sell the 18" and get a 15" Q..

Do it ported and You will notice just as much if not better accuracy on notes and gain putput by alot if enclosure is designed and built right.

I loved my Q

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Wat? Port it, you'll be blown away.

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If some of you read....i dont have the room to port the 18!

Recone could be another option sir. Or sell, and upgrade to the appropiate size as mentioned above. Also, there are many ways to port an enclosure, maybe ask around here and see what options are available to you.

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Wow, I thought this thread was going to be about the VVX and something from this company... http://qpowerinc.com/

Going from a Fi driver to a pair of Skar drivers is definitely not an upgrade. I wouldn't switch out a Fi SSD for a pair of VVX subs, much less a Q. I would try to trade the big Q for something more desirable, or sell it and buy something that's more geared towards output and run a single driver ported.

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If some of you read....i dont have the room to port the 18!

clearly you haven't checked into it enough. a ported 18 facing up can be done in that trunk. spend a little time with your vehicle.

and switching from the Q to the VXX is a stupid direction to go.

ps- if you don't wanna do the work for the install then recone the Q to a 15.

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Just build in the car. That's how I'm bout to do my Alpha Max 15 I'm gettin.

Or trade for a nice 15. You have the advantage of having a large driver and needing a smaller one. Look around on the forums, I'm sure someone has a quality 15 that would trade for your 18. There's always a way, just gotta figure it out.

BTW, as much as I am impressed with my VVX-12, I would NEVER trade anything Fi for anything Skar. Two totally different class of subwoofers. Just sayin.

Edited by PHATBOi

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if you really really want some vvx-15s I will break down and trade u(LMMFAO)

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