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Input on box design for 3 10" DCONs

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I'm wanting to get some feedback/advice on this box I'm working on for my recent purchase from SSA. Any glaring problems in the design? It will fill the area between the back seat and hatch in an '05 Scion xB.

Three 10" SSA DCON S4 subs wired to 1.34 ohm

Amp: Audiopipe APSM-1300 (1000w @ 1 ohm) - will be replaced eventually, when funds allow

Gross volume: 3.95 ft^3

Net volume: 3.3 ft^3

Port Dimensions: 3.75" x 11" x 27.6"

Port area: 41.25 in^2

Desired tuning: 32Hz


Would it be better to make the box taller and use a square port with more port area, and longer, in the same location?


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I would recomend rechecking your calculations, with the above gross volume minus your port and sub displacement I am coming up with less than 2.75 net and a tuning of about 35Hz.

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I would recomend rechecking your calculations, with the above gross volume minus your port and sub displacement I am coming up with less than 2.75 net and a tuning of about 35Hz.

Son of a..... dang it, I forgot to add .75 to the port width. Twice, because I double checked all my numbers. It would be 11x4.5x27.6, right? So .79 ft^3? Or am I figuring something wrong? 3.95-.79=3.16 ft^3 - .3 for sub displacement (.1x3) = 2.86 ft^3... dang it. Too small - back to the notebook. (Net in my first post wasn't exactly net I guess, it included sub displacement)

I got the port dimensions from the calc on carstereo.com, this is my first attempt at building a ported box. Is the design it's self sound, providing I get my math right? I was worried that having a sub right at the end of the port might not be good. External dimensions are 12.5"H x 38"W x 16" top depth, 21" bottom depth, bcae gives me 3.95 ft^3 using .75 wood thickness.

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Here, this will make it a lot easier for you. Test out some stuff. Let us know..........http://www.*****.com/board/topic/38791-torres-box-tuning-calculator/

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Thanks, I hadn't seen that calc before. I'd like some input on the design its self... that's really the only way that I can fit them and go ported the way the space is in my car. I'd hate to put more time into the design only to have someone say that it will sound like poop with a sub right at the beginning of the port. I'll play with the calc at SMD and see what I can come up with.

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