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He's had a hand in designing many successful woofers,however his business practices, morals, and people skills are severely lacking.

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Oh I see, well thanks for sharing. I guess I'll talk to him and see if he seems not commited to helping me out but fi sounds like the better option

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So are you looking to get parts to make some subs for yourself or are you looking to stock up on parts so you can start a small business selling custom woofers? If it is the latter of the two I would expect you to learn more than just throwing random parts on a motor and basket.

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I am gonna build custom subs and would like to piece them together depending on customer needs.

How thorough is your knowledge of designing subwoofers? It's far more than simply assembling parts.....atleast if you want the results to be anything more than a functioning turd pile.

Honestly, unless you have experience in designing subwoofers (not just reconing them) then there is no use in attempting a business venture into that arena.

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I am gonna build custom subs and would like to piece them together depending on customer needs.

How thorough is your knowledge of designing subwoofers? It's far more than simply assembling parts.....atleast if you want the results to be anything more than a functioning turd pile.

Honestly, unless you have experience in designing subwoofers (not just reconing them) then there is no use in attempting a business venture into that arena.

It's working for a certain company here and that owner already has a skarred reputation.

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that owner already has a skarred reputation.

Oh I see what you've done there....


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It would be more for me as a learning experience, i would love to see what its like. I have reconed and all that junk. As far as assembling a sub from scratch no experience but i think if i talk with an experienced builder such as scott/nick at fi or david at psi or jacob at sundown to help me get started as to telling me what cone, coil, and spider combos go with "x" motor to make it more geared to spl or sq and how much rms it may potentially have. It is my dream to start my own company and i wanna start somewhere why not start with trial and error to help me learn mistakes from different combos of softparts. Then laaaaaaaaaaaaaater down the road try to design my own subs for my company. So dont bag on me yall im just a young pup. I learn best from my own mistakes.

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Sounds like you'd be better off buying a book or two first.

I know, people learn better at hands on approach. But this is cheaper, and it can't hurt.


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Thanks, im glad yall are honest :fing34: I have plans as to books im gonna read, material im gonna research and other things. If i were gonna go to college to design speakers, what would i major in?

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what would i major in?

Now don't quote me on this, but I THINK i remember one of the reps for an american company (Fi, SSA, Sundown) suggesting that you major in mechanical engineering and take as much electrical classes as you can.

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:edit.. ill stay out of this. :D

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thanks impious, i am going to college for mechanical engineering so hopefully along the way pick up some experience and ill def be taking alot of electrical classes so i wont be out of the loop. as for just slinging random motors and parts in, i wont do that. What i mean is take a little advice from a manufacturer as to what a certain combo helps obtain. So it will have a little insight into product being achieved.

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I wouldn't take what i said about Mechanical with Electrical too much to heart. I THINK i read someone in the business say that. Personally, I know nothing of speaker design so what I said is PURELY based off of me thinking i remember reading that on a thread.

I don't want to give out any false information :)

Majoring in EE here :)

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Depending on where you go to school, you may have an AES (Audio Engineering Society) chapter there and some of the people there may or may not be able to help you. I know the guys at my school have a firm grasp on the fundamentals. Just a thought to find someone who might be a little more willing to lend you a helping hand.

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:thanx: Ill have to check on the AES at the school i am gonna go to. It damn sure would help me out haha!!! :thanx:

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Also no offense, but the whole "custom sub" craze currently going on is one of my huge pet peeves. Soooooo many people tossing together random parts with absolutely zero idea about the resulting creation.

Holy crap, I agree. Someone slapped some random aluminum coil in an Icon someone blew, and the user was trying to pass it off as an upgraded Icon. :Doh:

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Come on now guys, I wouldn't be selling customers stuff like that. I would just toy around with speaker parts and building them until I get through college then I would start selling the subs that are proven to work well for certain things and enclosures and power handling. I wouldn't toss in parts then sell as a "super woofer". I would acquire my knowledge from the classes then put them together with my experience and hopefully do well enough to start my own business. Also I know how to run a business because my dad runs his and has taught me all the tips and tricks :)

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When there are already dozens of people on the internet with little to no background in driver design assembling "custom" subwoofers by throwing together any parts that will fit and passing them off as these awesome "upgraded" drivers, it's hard not to assume the results will not be similar. Like I said, it's a bias.

Glad to see you are planning on taking the intelligent route instead :)

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