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Little discussion on reducing vibration

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Basically, I'm trying to think of the most cost-effective way to build a shelf that's rock-solid steady for my turntable. I've been floating a lot of ideas around in my head, from "floating" a piece of MDF in a little sandbox-type thing, to several layers of MDF on soft rubber pads, to wacky ones like a suspended magnetic table (most likely not even possible).

So...I'm trying to brainstorm, need ideas for a table that's immune to vibration and help to deaden the internal vibration from the unit itself.

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suspend the table with rubberbands, and have feet of the table sitting in a viscous liquid so it cna move, but with lots of friction...like ketchup...you have your shock/spring setup

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Lots of mass and lots of dampners in layers. Something like poured concrete in sandwiched layers with that memory foam.

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suspend the table with rubberbands, and have feet of the table sitting in a viscous liquid so it cna move, but with lots of friction...like ketchup...you have your shock/spring setup

That is not unlike how we do modal testing, only we just use some bungies to support and object and "excite" it from below with a shaker doing frequency sweeps.

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Mass is thy friend......

Basically what I'm thinking. Get two bags of construction grade sand, build a pedestal for it, and mass load that sumbeeetch. Sand would make it so I can empty it and move the pedestal when it comes time to move out of here.

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Oh and I hear those cera-pods work well, $130 or so for 4.... might be worth ploppin under yer 'table or if you so choose, make a concrete/granite base for the 'table and then put the pods under that.

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Lots of Mass, Spike it to the floor and suspend the surface that the turn table actually sits on with capilary tubing.

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