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best SQ from a ported box

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Hi everyone,

quick question...i have a 12" rl-p D4 and want to make a ported enclosure while maintaining the BEST SQ I can (if it makes any difference, I listen mainly to rock). I was told 1.5 cubes tuned to 28 hz. Does this sound accurate?

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I love my e12a in its 27Hz tuned enclosure :)

Not overbearing at all.

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I'm running 2ft^3 tuned to 28Hz. I love the sound, well, loved, since my amp f'd up back in April, and haven't been able to replace it.

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love mine in 2cubes at 27

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With properly tuned ported box, SQ doesn't have to be compromised. I use to put my RL-p on sealed, it sounds great but then i ask my installer which happen to be a SQ nuts to listen, look at the spec and built me a ported box, he actually come up with rather smallish volume and built a rather weird ported 'box', to my surprise it work really well, it has a flat response. Still retain the SQ when it was in sealed but goes much lower and doing it effortlessly and yes it's much louder too.

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mike told me to do 1.5 ft^3 @ 34hz for the flattest response...

but yes, if you want REAL sq, i say go sealed...i might buy the bullet and do so myself, i just hope i don't miss the output

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mike told me to do 1.5 ft^3 @ 34hz for the flattest response...

but yes, if you want REAL sq, i say go sealed...i might buy the bullet and do so myself, i just hope i don't miss the output

you will most likely miss the output. In a sealed enclosure its not that loud. it works well for blending in with the music though. just my 2 cents.

when I'm in my car the bass radiates through the cabin and me. if I step out of my car I can hear the bass but its very low and most peopl most likely wouldn't realize I have a 15" Sub in my trunk. Like I said though, inside the cabin it sounds good. low Hz blend with comps and you really need great comps with good mid bass if you want a SQ system and a sealed RL-p for SQ

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^^ ehh...i've got TWO ported rl-p's and my friend's SINGLE SEALED rl-p sounds super SEXY and gets loud to me...(my previous setup consisted of solos so i think i know what 'loud' means..)

and what does your setup have anything to do with this? you haven't mentioned your enclosure specs, nor do i care what your bass sounds like outside of your car....your post was so convoluted, what the hell are you trying to say in that last sentence??

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