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SI nabs its first dealer!

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I will be updating the web page shortly to link all pricing inquiries through www.showrides.net soon. I have been talking with Ben at Show Rides for about two months now and they have officially signed up as our first dealer.

Right now Show Rides' web page isn't up to full-tilt and that is partially because we have been lazy and haven't sent them more pictures and/or information. Hopefully within a week everything will up and running. :woot:

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That is awesome!!! Congrate Nick!

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congrats, YGPM

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Hello Everyone,

I am Ben, the owner of Showrides.net and I just wanted to introduce myself and my shop in Georgia. Feel free to check out the website or stop by and visit us anytime. We will be keeping all of stereo integrity's products in stock and will always have a sample available to listen to. So if you have any questions or comments feel free to either email us at [email protected] or just send me a pm.


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I tried to get someone else to hook up with you here in Canuckia... told me they wanted something that nobody else has, and then said that they want something well known.

Alas, I am done trying to help others find products to carry.

Edited by ANeonRider

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I tried to get someone else to hook up with you here in Canuckia... told me they wanted something that nobody else has, and then said that they want something well known.

Alas, I am done trying to help others find products to carry.

I've had similar experiences with a few dealers here. I really don't think they know what they want. Either that, or they will take whatever will sell, regarless of what it is.

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congrats indeed.

Middle TN sure could use a dealer that has a great product like SI's. All you see in all the shops are the typical brands as expected.

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