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SA Series Coil Cooling Test II

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We did an updated one today with an SA-15 never dropping power under 700 watts and even increasing to close to 1000 watts near the end :

"My clamp meters weren't set quite right up until about 1:45 and we come online reading power at 838 watts (remember we have been seeing power for a while already this is just where I get a good reading)... at 2:45 dropped to 754, at 3:45 dropped to 725, at 4:45 dropped to 722, and at 5:45 dropped to 709 -- so here we are at about 40% over rated power on a sine wave with only 15% power drop over 4 solid minutes. We decide that the driver hasn't been strained yet so crank it up to 790 again at 6:01 then again to 851 at 6:20 then again all the way to 970 at 6:36 and we let it go for 30 seconds until 7:05 when we shut it off to cut the sub down NOT BLOWN. Over 5 minutes of sine wave torture... coil is dark but not blown. Not many drivers in this category would stand up to this test."

We have about a minute and a half before I get a good reading at 838 watts... power was in the 500-600 watt range for that time period. Counting this time period we did around 7 minutes total power on the driver.

Coil was only darkened once we cranked it up to the 900+ mark well into the test... practically no coil smell until that point.

So... essentially you have to batter the driver constantly with 20-50% over rated power on a constant sine wave for 5-7 minutes to darken the coil... not even actually causing thermal failure.

Put some thought to that on what an equivalent amount of thermal stress would be on music... especially with the driver moving. I got in real close in the video so you can really see how LITTLE the driver is moving.

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Is this a new coil or the standard coil that has been in production?

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Same copper coil that has been in the subs since their introduction.

This test was done in December 2010 with all the newer motor / spacer updates.

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