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Our Ghost Just Opened A Door For My Wife

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My wife was carrying an arm full of towels into the bathroom. Once she got in there she realized her arms were full and she couldn't open our linen closet doors (which have magnetic latches). As she was standing there deciding where to sit the towels down, the door unlatched and opened all of the way. She said thank you and put the towels away.

Now if we could just figure out how to train it to fold the laundry too we would be all set.

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We bought our house from an estate and the old lady who lived here died in the family room. We've had other sort of weird stuff happen, so we've always sort of joked about her ghost being here. But this is the first time something "helpful" happened.

I've lived in this house since '03 and I've never had that door move from just walking through the room, and the magnetic latch is actually fairly strong. You've got to give it a solid tug to get it to pop open, much less unlatch and swing fully open.

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Wow. Erie but pretty cool. Teach it tricks. Could be a money maker.

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Bad ass.

I lived on the McGlynn Plantation in Saint Francisville, right next to the Myrtle's, and we always had shit happening. Never scary or dangerous. Just lights on/off, door open/shut, toilet flush, and random knocks.

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Pretty cool. I've always been interested in the paranormal, but have never experienced anything myself. Not quite sure how I'd react.

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It's nice too read that she said thank you.

Common courtesy is not so common these days.

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That is pretty sweet that your wifey is on happy terms with the ghost. My father passed away in the house my mother still lives in, but there have been no signs that I know of that he is still around.

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Interesting, I have never gotten caught up in the whole paranormal thing, but feel this is something that does exist.

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ill beleive it till i see it. i sometimes call them they just never answer back

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My wife was carrying an arm full of towels into the bathroom. Once she got in there she realized her arms were full and she couldn't open our linen closet doors (which have magnetic latches). As she was standing there deciding where to sit the towels down, the door unlatched and opened all of the way. She said thank you and put the towels away.

Now if we could just figure out how to train it to fold the laundry too we would be all set.

That's just kewl. We have things like that (never helpful) happen at our house all the time. Usually hear the toilet seat sound like it gets dropped all the time just to go into the bathroom and find it as it was left, or things are constantly being moved around the house when no one has touched them. I'm living in the house my dad and uncles grew up in though, and one of my uncles died near the house too so we like to think it's him, my grandparents or my 'ol man messin with us.

That's just kewl, I bet your wife was a little freaked though.

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It appears like You guys are both adventurous and love to experience and explore else nobody would post a ghost incident that easy way.

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My little brother and sister use to talk to ghost. He had a friend named Sarah and right befor he would tell my mom Sarah was here to play our dog would get very scared with all it's hair standing up and growl. Then he would come running out saying Sarah's here to play.

Well he would be up in his room by himself for hours! So my mom went to see what he was doing all these times, well she snuck up there and made sure he couldn't hear her. She peeked down the hallway leading into his room and he had his back to my mom while he was sitting down. He had toys lined up in a way that made it look as if another person was across but with nobody there. My mom watched and without my brother turning around or anything he said, "mom, Sarah says you're watching us. We're playing good".

To me that shit is crazy lol so many things happen at our house even though its only 8 years old. But whoever the ghosts are they follow us house to house. There's many different ones too. One walks around the house at night all the time and once came into my room and was bumping into things lol

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That is pretty sweet that your wifey is on happy terms with the ghost. My father passed away in the house my mother still lives in, but there have been no signs that I know of that he is still around.

In a sense, that is a good thing that there is no sign of him. What i think of as a ghost is a spirit who is somehwat stuck here and/or has not moved on.

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When i was little i had an "imaginary" friend but he always came and went as he pleased and it was always as if i was talking to another person and i had no control over what he said.My mom always thought it was a spirit, i didnt care because it gave me someone to play with. Once we moved i never saw him again, i tried to imagine him but no luck.

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there's definitely more out there than we can "see" or "understand"

My wife has a pretty weird sixth sense. Always know when someone close to us/her is about to die. She'll start with feeling a knot or sick feeling in her stomach that is not explainable, the start having nightmares of someone dying in a fairly specific manner (car crash, etc...) for numerous nights in a row. Then all of a sudden she'll not feel sick anymore and that is when the person died. Works right on cue, freaks the shit out of her to no end, and makes her jumpy as hell when it kicks in. Turns her into a nervous wreck, cause she won't know who's going to die, just that it's someone close. The stronger the sick feeling/worse the nightmares, the closer to us the person is.

She used to be able to see/talk to ghosts/spirits when she was little as well, but she has lost that ability, she believes likely through willful suppression on her part when she was younger.

Edited by nigel

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Not to be the topic killer but i like to research and be on the frontline of new discoveries and denying without proof ever submitted that any supernatural event has ever occurred.


Science is based on proof and nothing has ever been brought forth to show how any of this has happened... The current answer is because we do not understand it, it must be supernatural.


Well, not too long ago, it was publicly shown on the world news that those in the past who have been "possessed" that appeared to be the girl from the exorcist were actually never possessed a new study finds that is being proven to this day.  I do not know the condition but it is a mental condition that is fixed fully by just medicine over a 3-4 month course.


If you truly feel someone has special access to the unexplained, have them thoroughly tested.  Be the one who creates a new frontier for science if you believe it to be true.

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well, my dad has no feeling from the waist down, and despite the entire neuro team in the nations capital working on him, with special case doctors being brought in from switzerland, and test's being sent to the US as well, they still, with all of their "science" can't explain why or what's wrong. So, since science can't explain it,does that make it not real or not happening?

science is still based on the human's doing the work, and as a race, you can't claim we aren't fallible. One must realize our limitations.

Not saying all ghost stories etc... are real, and never really have been on to be superstitious or believe in the supernatural, but when for a week, my wife tells me that she feels sick and is having nightmares of someone dying in a car accident and can say it's a male, then at lunch she looks at me and says the sick feeling just went away, someone we know just died, to find out that when she said that her best friends boyfriend had swerved off the road and died crashing into a tree, I believe her unexplainable feelings, and that's not the only time she's had this just one instance.

and just as a note, that week was hell for me, she was nagging me to call her before I left the house (we were just dating at the time) and when I got where I was going, anytime I was going to be driving, because she knew someone was going to die in a car crash. I was losing my mind with how paranoid I thought she was being.

Edited by nigel

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This subject i brought up can go on til eternity.. i do not want it to so i'll try to make you understand Science's POV.


Science, to this day, cannot explain what happened in your post.

That's TODAY... 


10yrs from now maybe it will.


Looking back to the past til now, it's a recurring cycle.. this happens this way, that means this must be true, etc.. 

Over time, we learn more about the world and then discredit previous information.


Since science is based on proof rather than faith, it must be taken as such.


Science is the blunt but true answer to information like this.


Science also deals with the likeliness as well instead of absolute fact BECAUSE science allows for a better answer to come in the future.

Because of this, the other side of the debate will use this fact and twist it into a point of .... well science can not ever actually prove anything therefore it's useless...


Science will come back and say this-

IF we toss out science, then everything around you would not exist.  Science works on the probability and likeliness and most importantly.. What works!

IF it didn't work, we wouldn't still be using it as proper information.



So, this is my view along with theirs-


Whatever you see or experience in life, do not automatically assume it's of another world in whatever context the experience was, but rather research the possibility of how it happened in our current laws that govern the world.  

Of course we aren't scientist but in my opinion, it's better to go after the truth rather than fall easily to the unexplained that can never be proven.

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Of course we aren't scientist but in my opinion, it's better to go after the truth rather than fall easily to the unexplained that can never be proven.

Can't say I disagree with what you are saying, as I agree whole heartedly, that one should question their surroundings, and not blindly believe anything unless it can be proven.

Probably why I'm not religious, and hate churches. Have always been someone who needs to see proof before believing, and am normally the one arguing from the side you are.

But I also believe that science has it's limitations, and due to the fact that the science we use and follow is being conducted by humans, one must also account for human error in science. Thus the reason for the need for future studies/tests, third party double blind replication of outcomes etc...

Edited by nigel

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Yep, that's why science can never say anything is 100% fact... INCLUDING general theory of relativity.. 


you'd think by now we would have nailed gravity right?  Nope.. Quantum Mechanics does not cope well with gravity.. it coincides with it.. 

Interesting thing to think about!


Anyways, one thing that intrigues me is Science is just one path to take for looking for proof of certain things.. 

Perhaps other studies like Philosophy, etc has a better understanding of things that science would not be able to..


As of today, nobody really knows what consciousness really is, but we might as well register on another forum if we keep going on about stuff like this, hehe.

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haha, well, If you met my best friends dad (he's a professor of ethics and theology at st. paul's university) you wouldn't even want to start into the philosophy side of things. Give him an hour and he'll leave your head spinning for months on everything you thought you "knew" or "believed". He makes a living off of questioning people's beliefs, and has a ton of fun screwing with the mind of everyone he meets.

And I agree, science is just one path of study, what I look for is duplicity. Are you able to generate the same results twice. Like I said above about my wife, that is just one given instance of her having this "gut instinct" as I'll call it. She has had this exact same physiological experience for a week plus with the nightmares etc... numerous times while we've been together, and everytime she'll turn to me, or call me wherever I am and say, "the sick feeling in my stomach just went away" and you could use it to determine time of death on someone we know. happened with her aunt, her cousin, her best friend when she was little, in the story above, and more. It's frightening how accurate it is.

Edited by nigel

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If i was you, i'd be or had felt the same way no doubt.  But long after the fact, i'd be giving myself headaches trying to figure out how the hell that happened.


I remember one time when i was little, in elementary school, i was getting ready for school.


My mom started yelling at me, not like i was in trouble but just to hurry up and get ready.

I was sitting right next to her when she started the sentence.. 


To this day i remember this because it was freaky as hell.. 


After like the 2nd word in the sentence, my head(i'm using head because my head hurt when it happened) locked onto what she was saying in realtime and I audibly mimiced the rest of the entire sentence word for word at the exact same time at the same level she was talking in then the feeling "unlocked" and i was sitting there with a cold chill like.. um.. what the hell just happened?


I have no where to start to understand that but it is freaky.


I guess i should add, it wasn't my voluntary choice to mimic what she was saying either, it was like i was forced to.

Edited by shizzzon

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