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Please Be Aware People

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Maybe I don't see through the whole thing and there really is somebody who pulls the strings and choses who gets killed and who doesn't...

It's probably those pesky pesky Romanians ;)

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Maybe I don't see through the whole thing and there really is somebody who pulls the strings and choses who gets killed and who doesn't...

I am glad to see somebody also that is aware of whats happening, all those points you have made are very valid and there is somebody that is pulling the strings. But its not the government, its not the NWO, you have to look deeper then that. Its not just a bunch of crazy loonies with conspiracy's for days. It it the bankers that control everything. It is the bankers who are pulling the strings, EVERthing else and everybody else are just puppets. Adrian, I highly recommend for you to watch any and if possible, all of the Zeitgeist movies. The points that you made earlier weren't listed here simple because the list would be too long. Like, the xbox kinnect, used to scan faces, so if your a wanted felon, and your face scan goes through and brings up a flashing red light in front of somebody computer system, best believe somebody will be knocking at your door. Or how about all of your rights taken away because you are consider without reason needed to be provided a terrorist? Or how about the US selling arms to Mexico, or how about that North American Currency that is already developed? Lets not start on 9/11 or peal harbor or kennedy, orrr many other leaders and major events that all have a cover up story. History repeats itself.

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I'll watch then mostly because I am partly skeptical about the story.

Anyway, I don't see a bad part in scanning a face to aid in catching a wanted felon. Sure, they invade my "personal space" but it's my face and they can see that on the street. It's not like my face has something special that has to be hidden. A lot of things can be used in wrong ways if somebody wants it.

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I didn't watch either clip. Real simple. If you can't eloquently explain your point without some abstract reference and video then you need to rethink your position. The simple mind isn't the one that isn't aware, but the one that blindly accepts propaganda as fact without pondering it well enough to understand.

Amusingly you left out the more important "big brother" behavior, but that's because most of it is done by marketing and not by the government. Expect that to grow exponentially in years to come. The side benefit is if it works you will no longer have to sit through commercials for things you aren't interested in, but get ready to try and sort because you'll be bombarded with ones where you fit the market demographic perfectly.

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