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Alternator Wiring

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Got my alternator in and hooked up today, but had a few issues. First of all, the new alt came with a different plug. One of the wires was longer than the other three, and it was in the exact same place that there was a wire on the original plug (the original is a 4-pin, but there is only one wire leading into it. This one wire is in the same location as the one long wire in the new plug).

I decided to just use the old plug, as the other three plugs on the new pin are insignificant. We fired it up, and it made a low humming sound and began to smoke. I smelled something funny, not necessarily burning but kind of like it. I have never seen an alternator smoke before, so it freaked me out and I killed it. After my heart got back on beat and everything cooled, I gave it another shot. This time, it made the humming noise but no longer smoked. The only problem is that it was only charging at about 13.5. It should be at least one more volt.

I e-mailed Singer about the wiring configuration and he told me to run the long wire to an ignition source and ditch the original connector, but seeing as how the original connector only has one connection, I can't see why it would matter. I went ahead and ran one to one of the ignition fuses in the fuse box under the hood and it was still sitting pretty low. Charging, but not near as high as it should be.

When throttle is given, it'll raise up to about 13.8-13.9, but I haven't seen it reach 14 the whole night.

Did I fry this thing, or am I missing something?

Edited by burko

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my mechman alt came with a plug like that... just had one wire running off it which goes into the stock plug... have to find which wire on the stock plug gets the 12v when the ignition is on. then plug it into that slot. or just strip the wire and put them together that way.

does your alternator come with a voltage regulator ?? mine comes with one to where i can adjust the voltage from 12-18v...

pretty weird it smoked though.. might have fried it :peepwall:

Edited by 10000wrms

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