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How to set SAZ-3000d!!?

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Hey guys, My SAZ-3000d came in ups last night but I got off at like 10pm so I will be installing it today, I am at the dentist now but will be putting it in when I get home and need help.. I forgot how I had the settings on my SAZ-1200... so How do I set things on here, Ill list ones I dont know Rofl. ( I will set bass boost on OFF obv. And ill set the Gain with my DMM with 50hz tone )


What should Subsonic filter be set to? Its from 10~60hz

What should LPF be?... 35hz~300hz?

And Phase?.. 0~180?

I am running it on 4 SA-10s and the box is tuned to 33-34hz.

Thanks a TON! I just can't seem to remember how I figured out how to set each one, its been over a year since I messed with the tuning on amp Rofl. :morepower1:

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Nice amp you lpf should be around 60-80 and subsonic about 30-35 as for phase first try 0 then a full 180 and keep.which sounds best

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LPF will be preference, depends on what speakers your SA-10s are mating with. What speakers are you using for your front stage?

In general, try setting it around 60hz-80hz and see what sounds best to you.

SSF: ~30hz

Phase: Try it at 0 then 180 and see if sounds any better one way or another, if not just leave at 0.

Gain: setting it by a dmm is pretty much a joke. I'd just play some music your very familiar with, slowly turn up the gain until you hear distortion or any stressing of the sub, then back down. Play a few more songs and come to a census.

Oh and the screen print on the amp that says: "10hz - 60hz" is rarely accurate. Meaning, if you turn the dial to the center, you would assume it's 35hz, but it's likely not.


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Hey guys, My SAZ-3000d came in ups last night but I got off at like 10pm so I will be installing it today, I am at the dentist now but will be putting it in when I get home and need help.. I forgot how I had the settings on my SAZ-1200... so How do I set things on here, Ill list ones I dont know Rofl. ( I will set bass boost on OFF obv. And ill set the Gain with my DMM with 50hz tone )


What should Subsonic filter be set to? Its from 10~60hz

Best way I've found to get the subsonic set is a method that Nick@Ficaraudio had described in a thread once. Keep the subsonic turned all the way down and play test tones at a moderate level and watch the cone movement (of course being careful in the process not to destroy anything, use your head). The frequency at which the cones move the LEAST is the tuning frequency of the enclosure. Now, change the tracks down to ~3hz lower than the tuning frequency you found and adjust the subsonic up until the subs are moving around half the excursion they were and you're set.

What should LPF be?... 35hz~300hz?

If your headunit has a LPF or dedicated subwoofer output then there's no need to worry about this setting, turn it all the way up and let the HU do the work. If not, then as suggested above adjust it to around 60 or 80hz, or basically whatever blends the best with your front stage.

And Phase?.. 0~180?

This adjustment is basically adjusted as the other's said.

I am running it on 4 SA-10s and the box is tuned to 33-34hz.

Thanks a TON! I just can't seem to remember how I figured out how to set each one, its been over a year since I messed with the tuning on amp Rofl. :morepower1:

Those are my answers and the best practices I know of for the adjustments. I also agree with Stefan on the gain, just adjusting it by ear is about as good a practice as any. Most people just aren't satisfied with the output they get when they set by a DMM or scope.

EDIT: Here's the topic Nick posted that information in, POST # 6.

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If your headunit has a LPF for the subwoofer output then that's cool and you can use it, but if your just using a subwoofer rca output then I urge you to use the LPF on the amp.

It wouldn't surprise me if the the subwoofer rca output on the deck was crossed over extremely high.

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Posted on accident

Edited by orlando144

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Sweet!!! Thanks guys. That helped tons! I'm bookmarking this rofl. I'll get pics up of the amp soon! Just got back from the dentist app.

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