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Heavy duty rear shocks

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i have a 2001 nissan maxima that will be getting a wall and will be getting a lot of weight added to it. I need to know where i can get some affordable rear shocks that will handle an additional 1200-1500 pounds. any help will be greatly apprecated. also we will be needing some for a 2001 ford taurus, 2002 grand am, 1998 sunfire, and a few others. finding one good place we can get all these custom built thru would be great as it is alot easier and more trust worthy for me to order from one place instead of multiple.

websites or emails would be great


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You need new springs to support the additional weight. If you do not have a local spring shop call Wilkes-Barre Spring.

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Those cars can not safely support that extra weight unless you reinforce the subframes, but I know I'm talking to a wall.

As has been stated, springs, then you can find struts, since that's what those vehicles use, anywhere.

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Those cars can not safely support that extra weight unless you reinforce the subframes, but I know I'm talking to a wall.

As has been stated, springs, then you can find struts, since that's what those vehicles use, anywhere.

I have seen the writing on the wall.

Don't think I need anything at all.

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i meant springs. i typed it quick. and why is the maxima a bad car to use? where will it be weak at? please let me know so i can properly reinforce and all local places for springs suck. you tell them what you need them for and they will make them weaker then from factory! yes they are that dumb.

I am looking for a place to build them that builds them good and on a reg basis so they know what they are doing.

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