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Pennzoil Syncromesh MTF

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I found out that the tranny fluid resivior was empty on the accord yesterday.

Partly because i had no idea that it was for the tranny.

Has anyone ever used the syncromesh ?

Hopefully it will help the 3rd gear grind i have.

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I use GM synchromesh in my Cobra. Pricey stuff at $12/qt. Not too well in the cold weather i.e. anything below 40. You shouldn't have a problem with that. Of course, you're not using the same stuff either. I think I'll be switching back to regular ATF this spring. I don't see any justified reasons not too. I don't have any grinding issues though.

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I read you could use that as well. Im cheap so i'll use the pennzoil.

It never gets below 40 here.

It said use brake fluid so i poured some in.

I really thought it was for the ABS.

It only grinds in 3rd gear when engaging, its not that bad but you can notice it a little bit.

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Is it a worn 3rd gear synchro? If so, the fluid won't really help that much. Is it possible that your clutch is about to go? It could be a partially worn synchro with a nearly bad clutch makes third gear unhappy...

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Is might be.

Every other gear engages just fine and the clutch works fine.

I think hondas have a bad 3rd gear synchro

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