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Amp for 4 SA-10s? Recommendations wanted!

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Alright so I have 4 Sa-10s coming in the mail this week and will probably build my box next weekend.. So I need to find an amp SOON!!! I don't really know how much power to give the 4 SA-10s but the 3 amps that I have been looking at and looking for used/new are:


Audioque 2200d

Crescendo BC2000d

I wanna do this right the first time and get a great amp from the start with this setup. Plus I figure these amps are linkable so in the future I could add a second to match and gain 2x power if needed down the road.

Is 2k good for 4 SA-10s? or would 2.5-3k be a better match? Probably am looking at amps between $250-$400ish... obv these are all in the top half price range like 330-400++++ But I am also looking at them used.

This is just what I have been looking at because they are all possible without breaking the bank.. But if there are other GREAT amps that put out TRUE RMS POWER please recommend one that you use/have used.

ALSO if any of the ones I listed (SUCK!!!) then please let me know! I don't want to end up buying one and find out they have problems or arent doing rated. Does anyone know if any of these are good/

Edited by Jd377

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I'm sure you would be happy with any of those. Especially if you put them in about 6.25-6.5 cubes net. I'm assuming you will be wiring to 1 ohm?

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I re-measured my car just now after work and came up with better results than before. It would be about 6.78ft^3 and about 6.3ft^3 after displacement! About (4) 4" ports.. if I leave them uncut at 17" ill be tuned around 33hz and can add or take away length 1-2" if needed in the future to change tuning!

Definitely wiring to 1ohm they are 4 D2's

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DO all the amps I listed put out their true rated RMS power?

Is audioque actually a good company for amps? I didn't know if they were good quality or not and if they put out true, but they can be found at decent prices used! I have heard good things about them but didn't know if anyone had personal experience using one?

Also the Saz-2000 is like pricy.. I never see them used and if I do it will most likely be $350-400. I assume the SAZ-2000 is good? It is not made anymore so I didnt know if that meant they had problems with that one or just replaced it with a new model like (2500)?

( SAZ-2500d would be legit as im sure its underrated and is really close to 3k but the 2000 is already like at the top of what I want to spend.. the 2500d is TOO much new by tons for me, I never see them used.. )

Is crescendo known to put out 2k rms at 13.8v? Are they quality and reliable amps?

Should I save and buy a more powerful 3kw amp?

Edited by Jd377

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Check out db-r.com. I believe theyhave a sundown 2000 for sale. It's refurbished

, but you can trust them no problem great customer service. I bought a sundown saz1500 from them and it works perfectly.

Good luck on your build!

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