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2006 Mazda 3 battery options.

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I was wondering what battery size should I get to replace my stock battery?

And I will also be running an audio system with around 4k watts, any suggestions?

Edited by brownm3

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Pop out the tape measure! I'd say biggest upfront and a fat g31 in back will run 4k fine.. AS long as you have a strong high amp alt.

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We do not have a direct replacement for that application. I think you can probably fit a D6500 in the stock location though, but you would want to measure and make sure. If you can fit the D6500 in there as the starting battery, then you could get away with running a D3400 in the back. Of course the large the battery in the back the more reserve capacity you will have to make up for a lack of alternator power.

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Thanks for the response guys. I will check that out tonight after work. I might just get a replacement for the front battery and take you advice and put the biggest battery in the back.

And i am currently trying to get my DC Power alternator ordered but there site is acting up. It freezes up during the checkout process always at the shipping address.

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Just order both the D3400 and D6500. And I am putting the D6500 in the trunk as the reserve.

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All I have which is probably a noob question but what does this recommendation mean: 1 extra 800ci battery in the rear?

I dont see 800ci in any of the specs i am looking at.

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It was a noob question 800ci means 800 cubic inches, which is the battery measurement for most car audio competitions.

Edited by brownm3

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