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I wanna Upgrade.. But what to?..

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I have my 18" fi ssd running off a Sundown sax-1200d... I really want to upgrade or try something new, but I don't really want to spend tons.. If i don't get another 18 that can fit the box I already have, then I will probably just build a sealed box next.

Some ideas i had but need input on are, an 18" xcon if I could find one used or a 18" btl used.. these could fit in my box already and use same tuning.

OR I thought about like 3 SA-10's sealed? because someone on here has 4 sa-10s for sale.. But I dont know if sa-10s sound good/loud sealed, and are 3 sa-10s going to be much of an upgrade to an 18" ssd?.. I wish I could get like 3- 10" icons but noone has them used ever..

Any other good subs sealed that sound good?.. or anyone got used subs I can buy that fit any of this.. i have a civic hatch so space is limited, I think 3-10s would be tight looking but idk if they are loud and good sealed?

I have always wanted an SSA sub so I could finally wear an SSA sticker on my hatch :D I have never heard a SSA or Sundown sub in person but would LOVE TO!! I bet ssa's sound so sexy. but Sundown subs would be cool too :o


Edited by Jd377

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So,. does anyone know if SA-10s sound any good sealed? pros/cons?

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The SA-10 will work in a sealed enclosure but they are better suited for a ported enclosure with tuning around 30-35 hz.

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:L alright, so 3 sa-10s sealed probably wouldnt be that great since they are most likely a lot better ported. Well that sucks. I kinda thought 3 10's would be awesome in my civic hatch haha. I just dont think I can really fit a 3-10's sealed box.. at least not unless I spend tons of time designing a box but I really just want a good simple box this time around like a sealed easy to make one lol.

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4 Dcons :woot:

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4 dcons.. not enough for me. 3 icons :P i wish :L how are icons sealed? 2 ported or 3 sealed

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Icons work great sealed from what I have heard.

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Geez well someone needs to put 2-3 used ones for sale on here.. I hardly ever see Icons come up used though :l

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Why are dcons not enough?

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I think the last Icon sold used here was S. DeYoung, which was mine... I had it sealed for the longest time... Great output and sound... Went ported and it was WAAAYYYYY louder but limited range obviously which is to be expected... But it made my car fall apart... My headliner is loose, the rear deck cover is loose, I've had to tighten my tail lights a few times... All worth it!!!

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I would say ssa subwoofer all the way. Sealed box wouldnt be that hard to build if you dont like the sound of them sealed or not loud enough make a ported box.

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It's not very often you see any SSA subs for sale used.

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1st Dcons.. 300rms.. Im pushing 800 through my 18" ssd so 10" dcons would keep up but not much of an upgrade..

2nd Icons yes 2-3 would be sexy I would love to have my car falling apart, in my head that means my bass is yummy.

3rd I know they only go up for sale IF someone is upgrading to Xcons basically lol.. So.. someone needs to sell me their Icons and get xcons tyvm!

4th.. I might have to sell my Sundown sax-1200d as I want a lot more power obv with more subs.. I want to try and sell my sundown and almost have enough for the higher powered amp with just that money.. So i would have to cut my quality barely.. in this - Are audioque/audiopipe amps any good? because Im pretty sure I could sell my sundown and almost have enough for a *Used* audioque 2200 or large audiopipe.. I hear they put out their rated power at 1ohm so?.. any opinions on that?

Ps... I have ALWAYS wanted to have some SSA subs so I can represent in my area. If I get some the first thing I wanna do I purchase a Team SSA sticker for the Hatch :D

Edited by Jd377

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JD ... I have been looking into the audiopipes as well ... You'd probably want to get a 3k for your setup if you're going bigger, but is your electrical up to it???

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I think maybe just upgrading to a more powerful 18 would be optimal.

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Just get a 21" ....

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A 21" DP would definitely give you a boost in output. Good timing too.

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Let me catch up, you have your 18" ssd box currently ported? How many cubes?

I feel like you should have enough room for 4 10's sealed if you have the room for an 18 ported. :ughdunno:

Even 4 10's ported if that 18 is in the proper enclosure atm..

Cone area wise (3) 10's < (1) 18 < (4) 10's < (2) 15's < (1) 21.. Hope that helps your decision!

Edited by Freshh

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I just noticed your enclosure for the SSD is 7.3 cubes, you shouldn't have a problem getting a pair of 15s in there.

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If you want to go with SSA I believe the zcon would better fit your goals, although it is more expensive and would be nearly impossible to find used. Also check out IA, a 21 dp would be intense.

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Why not just spend $50 and build a ported box for the SSD that way if you still want more you can just get another 18 instead of trying to find a sub to run sealed.

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I know you said no dcons, but four 12 dcons on that 1200 would be nice. No need for a power upgrade.

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His current enclosure for the SSD is ported.

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1st my 18" ssd box is PORTED :) ALL MY SPECS are in my Signature. Its 7.3ft cubed and the box is ported.

2nd im sure I could fit 4 10's sealed but Im not sure if i can afford 4 icons?.. or.. Q's since they are a few hundred each and hardly ever used.

3 dcons is not enough upgrade to make it worth it to me

3rd, LOl a 21" wont fit believe me.. :P

4th! OK now that Freshh added that cone area thingy.. Im thinking 4-10s, 2-15s or 1-18"

If I do 4 10's I would do sealed... If I do 2-15 I would have to do sealed.. And the plus with doing 1-18" would be I dont have to build a new box which in turn would save $50ish to $75?

So are there any 15's that would sound good sealed that dont cost tooooooo much? Im basically going for used on my next setup because I cant afford 4 new 10s or 2 new 15s.

If anyone is selling used icons or similar 10's.. Some great pair of 15s or an Xcon/Zcon/Btl 18 those would be great.

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Current Power/electrical----I currently have an upgraded Dc power alt, ive done the big 3 and I have a kinetik hc1400 in the front which a kinetik hc600 in the back right next to my amp.

I am looking at audioque 2200 or audiopipe 3000d i believe is what it was.. both can probably be found used for close to what ill get out of my sundown 1200d

Recent Pic I had on my phone just for a little idea.. not a good shot but so you can see..


Edited by Jd377

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