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Quentin Jarrell

10" excursion videos with Genisis xbl motor

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I understand the basics of XBL^2.

I just don't understand the reason to come on here claiming a 500 watt sub to outperform a 1000 watt sub.

I could say more, but like I said, I'm not a expert, and just because I'm thinking it, doesn't mean its correct.

I will ask this, if XBL^2 is so great for making louder than normal subs on less power, why doesn't companies use it anymore? And yes

a select few do, but none are known for

being louder than the others.

Xbl does not make louder subs on less power it makes them as loud on less power. Again let's go back to the brahma, or the Tempest since most people remember them. They were just as loud as their competition's comparable subs in the day but they are known for using much less power.

These subs aren't magical. They simply utilize their magnet force over more of their stroke than other topologies. A 20mm xmax, 15 bl overhung sub with the exact softparts will be as loud as a 20mm xmax 15 bl xbl sub. The xbl sub will just use less power to get there.

Anyhow we frequent some if the shows and comps this fall to show what we have.

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I've never seen an SPL woofer use XBL^2 technology...

Ask scottie about the extremes

I knew Scottie used XBL^2 to compete, but didn't know they was "SPL" subs.

I have seen SPL XBL^2 prototypes made, but no production yet.

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I mean I'm not downing XBL^2, as I hope to own a 05 RE XXX one day. I actually should start looking for one, I could really use it now.

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I'll have something sweeter for you to look at in about a month If you are looking for daily groundpounding output. However they won't be strictly "spl" because there isn't a large enough market.

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I'll have something sweeter for you to look at in about a month If you are looking for daily groundpounding output. However they won't be strictly "spl" because there isn't a large enough market.

I didn't mean like a full blown SPL sub, cause there really is only a few that's not made for no music at all.(And still people play music on them)

What I consider a SPL sub, is one more geared towards SPL than anything else, even if it can be a good daily.

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The divine will be just that. 33mm xmax at 70% bl. With 36 bl and a motor force factor of 370 bl^2/re. It's one of the strongest motors on the market. We will be using a 4" coil former with an aluminum cone to help with cooling.

Edited by Audibel Customs

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