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ShiZZZoN's Build #2 The Epicness of 2011-2024

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i take it u found a way to still access them if needed?

i wish i lived closer lil bro!

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Pretty sweet build going on. I'm pretty close to you if you need any help. I'm fairly handy with woodworking and electronics, altho I'm a little slow.

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really? awesome man, pm me your number. I'm in PRP.

I don't care how slow you are, hehe...

The build consists of mental work mainly and very few areas of holding a 2x4.. simple yet effective.

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hurry up and get started!

Pics FTW

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I need to tell all of you IAK guys this-


I know Chop is gonna faint when he reads this.. but they have canceled it due to cost rising 3x higher than ever before....

So, good news for me is i have until Slamology to get this done, lmao!

But, the past 2 weeks, i've been workin hard on this group buy that just got done and workin on people's computers almost everyday.. I have no free time hardly.

Are you talking about the audio side? If so what org? Depending on what is going on, I may be able to help out.

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I think the miss need to move this over to.the off topic section being that its the shizzzon ihop

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Leave it to David for a bit of harrassment :roflmao:

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I need to tell all of you IAK guys this-


I know Chop is gonna faint when he reads this.. but they have canceled it due to cost rising 3x higher than ever before....

So, good news for me is i have until Slamology to get this done, lmao!

But, the past 2 weeks, i've been workin hard on this group buy that just got done and workin on people's computers almost everyday.. I have no free time hardly.

Are you talking about the audio side? If so what org? Depending on what is going on, I may be able to help out.

MECA's cost went up 5x.

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I need to tell all of you IAK guys this-


I know Chop is gonna faint when he reads this.. but they have canceled it due to cost rising 3x higher than ever before....

So, good news for me is i have until Slamology to get this done, lmao!

But, the past 2 weeks, i've been workin hard on this group buy that just got done and workin on people's computers almost everyday.. I have no free time hardly.

Are you talking about the audio side? If so what org? Depending on what is going on, I may be able to help out.

MECA's cost went up 5x.

Yea, not sure what they were thinking. I made a few calls to see what was going on and of course I got a different answer from each person I spoke with. I'm going to call Ron today and see about a few different options. I know one option would be to consider USACi if he wants. I can make some interesting things happen with that option. All though with such a short notice for this year who knows what would happen with the turn out.

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I need to tell all of you IAK guys this-


I know Chop is gonna faint when he reads this.. but they have canceled it due to cost rising 3x higher than ever before....

So, good news for me is i have until Slamology to get this done, lmao!

But, the past 2 weeks, i've been workin hard on this group buy that just got done and workin on people's computers almost everyday.. I have no free time hardly.

Are you talking about the audio side? If so what org? Depending on what is going on, I may be able to help out.

MECA's cost went up 5x.

Yea, not sure what they were thinking. I made a few calls to see what was going on and of course I got a different answer from each person I spoke with. I'm going to call Ron today and see about a few different options. I know one option would be to consider USACi if he wants. I can make some interesting things happen with that option. All though with such a short notice for this year who knows what would happen with the turn out.

Wow, i need to keep you on my close contact list of audio people, :)

Yea, we knew about this since last November... if i only knew then what i know now, you know? hehe

Yea, if you caould get any league in there, that would make MANY people happy.

PS- who all do you have connections with league-wise?

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I work closely with all of the main orgs actually. My extreme ties are with USACi though. I pretty much grew up in this industry so I have been around about everyone one from time or another. I contact Ron, and he passed on some info. He said he is not the one who deals with the audio side. If you all have any contact info for this show to help get a sound off going please forward it to me. With only a month's notice I'm not how this show would turn out, but building relations for next year are always a plus.

If you or anyone wants to know more about my "connections" or any other info feel free to message me and call me.(phone number is on my web site.. lol)

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I hope all this foolishness with MECA doesn't affect Oklahoma too much.

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I hope all this foolishness with MECA doesn't affect Oklahoma too much.

It affects MECA as a whole. It has been no secret that they have been slowly raising cost. Most hosts do not want to pay the lower price much less an increased/inflated charge. MECA is not the only one that has been doing this. The majority of the orgs have raised the cost of the show.

The real issue is that hosts see no return on shows. They pay for everything upfront and see very little in return at all. This goes for all orgs as well.

However, I am aware of one person's efforts to solve that issue this year. Hopefully it works and nets more shows.

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im tuned in for this build

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looks like you had some fun today... wish i coulda been there to help

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Nice progress bro! BTW-you should make the Corona part of any pic update adhd.gif

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Product list update-

Got into a wall the other day with deciding on what to run and where to fit it before i accidentally build the wrong thing in the back..

Well, i now have the full equipment list taken care of.

I will be posting pics up here tomorrow of what i've done recently...

Equipment list-

4 CA 5500ds

4 DC XL 18s (0.5 2ohm)

Front stage-

3 AP APSM-2125s (2 for midrange, 1 for tweeters)

4 8" PA mids. Brand is unknown at this time but not important right now.

APSM amps will supply up to 800w for midrange.

3rd APSM amp will run 125wx2 to a pair of CA FT1 tweeters.

I do not have pics of this yet because i need to order the motherload of aluminum but due to space constraints, i will need to reinforce the back of my wall in Aluminum.

The back wall will then be anchored to my battery bank. The aluminum will be anchored to some steel runs on the battery bank to help hold it together.

the battery bank area is a perfect fit for my 8 D1200s which allow no "wiggle" room, perfect for helping brace some massive amount of potential flex.

the sides of the back part of the wall will be braced in 2x4s because i have the space for that.

Pics to come tomorrow..

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Sorry, i forgot to add this too-

For processing, i'll be using a Memphis Audio 16-XO3 3way bandpassable crossover.

I'm also going to be using the Soundstream XBP-10.

This processor works wonders with people who use walls with a load of drivers on it.

It's interesting that some company's such as Soundstream actually manufactured a device like this. They know what we need :)

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nice man!!! I think you need to finish... I'm getting anxious everytime there is a slight update..

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Ok, i promised you all pics today so here they are..

I was hoping to get NEW pics just from today but I have to recut 2 big pieces and waste more wood because i wanted the absolute maximum size possible for these pieces..

Also, waiting for some bracing to dry so I can install the new pieces tomorrow hopefully so no new pics were taken today.

All of the following pics were done this past week.

My new air Struts-


And this is where I air it up at-




This part of the floor is Resined to prepare to anchor the battery rack down-










This last picture is interesting-

I ran 2 4/0 cables up inside the car where a grommet USED TO BE!

The cables are so stiff, it RIPPED the grommet in half! Just tore it in half.

I noticed I couldnt replace the grommet because it would happen again..

but i can't leave it like that with no grommet because the floor is digging into the wire jacket and can short it out eventually so i had to do something.

I went and got some 1.5" ID PVC from some spare runs i had layin around.

I cut a 4" long pipe and slit it open down the middle so i could wrap the pvc around the cable since it was already ran.

I then got some duct tape and wrapped the pvc up real tight so it couldnt open back up.

I then installed chemicalweatherproof Zip ties directly below and above the PVC pipe on inside and outside of car.

At this point, the pvc is pushed back through the hole sticking half way in and out.

I then wrapped the zip ties up in plenty of duct tape as well.

I then zip tied both 4/0 cables separately approx 12" inside the vehicle from the hole in the floor to ensure they nor the PVC pipe could ever move.

The PVC will fully protect them from shorting out due to sharp edges that would have happened if not done.

I STRONGLY suggest for those using this 4/0 SGX cable to do the same if you need to bend this cable up into the vehicle at a decently sharp angle(45degree or more).


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