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Pics of my Mechman 270 amp alternator

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You should have a ground cable from the alternator housing or mounting bolt to the battery negative on these units, that might be the problem. I generally don't recommend grounding them through the mounting blocks.

Your idle speed sounds like it's below the turn-on of the unit, get me the crank pulley size and the alternator pulley size and we can see where we can go from there.


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Sorry ringing in late. Back when I was installing mine I called to ask where I should run the 1/0 ground stud from alt to the car. Matt told me directly to negative of battery was best. It wouldn't hurt cleaning up your ground locations but like Eric said a lot of car models are new to the HO alt scene and there will be "growing pains"

Measure your crankshaft pulley diameter and have patience. It will pay off. :drink40:

Edited by crunkjuice1

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