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Rattling from new Dcon???

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So I just recieved my 2 new Dcon 10's today and upon installing them, I noticed a strange noise that I could best describe as a rattling(as if someone was holding their finger slightly against the sub). I can't seem to isolate which sub it is coming from but when I take a sub out, the rattling stops, same when I take the other out, yet when I turn one around and reverse phase, it starts back up.... I seems to start as soon as any back pressure is applied to the sub. The subs haven't broken in but the volume is low when this is occuring. I'm kinda freakin out since I already had to wait a month before the subs even came and now I'm at a loss and could use some help.

Sorry for the essay, just trying to give any info I could think of

Thanks in advance for any advise


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You have a leak, a loose panel, or vibrating wire. If you remove the sub and play it with no noise, it's not the driver, it's the enclosure or something in it.

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sounds like its more likely the box than the subs, have you tried free airing the subs to see if they make the same sound outside of the enclosure?

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I think the air leak mentioned above is the case, as I have seen this happen more then a few times over the years with many different subs.

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Wow, thanks for all the quick responces. The air leak makes alot of sence. I think if there is one, it would be coming from the sub itself, so if I run weather stripping around the back of the sub, would that be effective or is there a better option? Any other ideas on where it could be coming from(I used alot of wood glue with alot of wood screws so I think the box should be sealed tight).

Also, part of the sub is on carpet, the other is on paint so it's VERY possible that is where the leak is coming from.


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Wow, thanks for all the quick responces. The air leak makes alot of sence. I think if there is one, it would be coming from the sub itself, so if I run weather stripping around the back of the sub, would that be effective or is there a better option? Any other ideas on where it could be coming from(I used alot of wood glue with alot of wood screws so I think the box should be sealed tight).

Also, part of the sub is on carpet, the other is on paint so it's VERY possible that is where the leak is coming from.


I would start by removing the excess carpet so that the sub can lay flat against the wood.

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Wow, thanks for all the quick responces. The air leak makes alot of sence. I think if there is one, it would be coming from the sub itself, so if I run weather stripping around the back of the sub, would that be effective or is there a better option? Any other ideas on where it could be coming from(I used alot of wood glue with alot of wood screws so I think the box should be sealed tight).

Also, part of the sub is on carpet, the other is on paint so it's VERY possible that is where the leak is coming from.


I think you found your answer... :drink40:

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Alright well I am trying to remove any excess carpet at the moment. (I now understand the term contact CEMENT). But I had a quick thought, I had my alpines in this box before I got my Dcons, and they never made this noise even though I played them much louder than I was playing my Dcons when they were making the noise.

Just a thought, as soon as I get all this carpet off I'll try again.


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Alright, I got all the carpet off and widened the cutout a fraction of an inch so that the subs lay flat against the wood. The sound is gone and the Dcons are AMAZING.

Thanks for everyones help


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Glad to hear you got it figured out, I'm having a similar problem with a new box I've been trying.

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Alright, I got all the carpet off and widened the cutout a fraction of an inch so that the subs lay flat against the wood. The sound is gone and the Dcons are AMAZING.

Thanks for everyones help


:woot::dancing::band::slayer::slayer: :slayer: :slayer:


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