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Quick question on a box design

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So after seeing the new box I built for my future DCON's (ordered over two weeks ago) a freind of mine has recruited me to build him a box for a single old school (2001) Kicker c12vr. He wants a SQ build and could care less about output. The only problem I am seeing is that I can'ft find any specs on the sub. The manual I found for it is a little light on the T/S parameters so winISD isn't too helpful.

So my question is, If I run a standard 2cuft box tuned to 32hz(seems to be a standard), would that have a somewhat flat responce curve(ignoring cabin gain and all that)? It seems to be a tried and proven tuning so If I strive for that, and being that he is new into car audio, do you think it would sound "good"

Thanks for any advise, recomendations, criticisms, etc


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If he wants SQ and doesnt care about output why not build a sealed box

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  On 7/9/2011 at 7:16 PM, trod2902 said:

If he wants SQ and doesnt care about output why not build a sealed box

This ^

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  On 7/9/2011 at 7:16 PM, trod2902 said:

If he wants SQ and doesnt care about output why not build a sealed box

Sealed isn't always the answer for SQ. A well designed ported box can be the perfect fit for some sound quality applications. These are the specs for the current models T/S Parameters. I have no idea how much they have changed since 2001. Tuning will depend on his listening preferences if you decided to go ported.

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I didn't realize a kicker could work too well in a sealed box, in fact, thought never even crossed my mind.

So how bout a 2cuft sealed? he has the room and I thought the larger boxes allowed for a flatter curve.

Thanks for the quick responce and for any future help


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So I talked more with my friend and from what I'm getting, his idea of a SQ type box is what we would call a Loud'n'Clean style design. He still insisted on the smallest box possible as he moves it around quite a bit, so this is what I came up with.

According to WinISD, these subs like big boxes, so I decided to try an isobaric design. This gives him a small box, the output of a single sub like he was expecting, a decent responce graph, and most importantly, a SMALL box, 1.4 cuft @32hz to be more precise. My main consern is my lack of experience... Is there anything I am missing? Is running the subs face to face alright (reversing one's polarity of course)? Any other ideas?

I'll accept any advise, critisism, etc.

Thanks in advance


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  On 7/15/2011 at 4:08 AM, Micksh said:

Here's a link to the manual on Kicker's site... http://www.kicker.com/sites/default/files/2002CompVR.pdf

Thanks for the link, however, once I actually recieved his subs, I discovered that they were just the comp woofers and not the compvr. I did find the right manual for them. They say that the "maximum volume" is 2.25cuft. What does this mean? The Isoaric design is the same as running one woofer at 2.8cuft which looks better in WinISD, but having is having and extra .6cuft going to be detrimental in any way?

Thanks again


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A large box will "unload" at its tuning frequency and tends to be peaky, thats with normal vented enclosures, idk about isobaric

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