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Need some help

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Okay, so I'm not the fittest of people...

I cannot do a single pull-up... I cannot figure this out... what can I do to improve?

I weight 198lbs now give or take a few... Am I too fat for my own muscles???lol :peepwall:

Found this video on youtube, is it a good idea???

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That is retarded, their "incline pullup" is a row, that works a completely different muscle group

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That vid looks legit. Just take it slow, last thing you want is a pulled or strained muscle from trying to do too much at once. Do what they have in small steps and you'll be good to go. The hard part is staying motivated but if you keep with it you'll enjoy/love it. Best of luck man!

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thanks... yea, the incline on the low bars don't look like pull-ups ... but I guess there are some "shared" muscle groups being used within that exercise... I'm far from knowing anything which is why I asked.... Obviously I need help... Would doing higher weighted pull-downs help? Like instead of my normal reps maybe going much higher and doing let's say 5 reps and rest then do it again?

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The easiest way to reduce weight would be to place you feet on a chair that is not directly under you.

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Bodybuilding.com has tons of info for first timers

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Yeah 5 sounds good then take like a 5 min break then do it again for a couple times. Then take a break for a hour or two eat a light protein snack and do it again. Also get some carbs into ya. I kn I kn carbs are "bad" but there a good ones you gotta look em up I can't remember which are the good ones.

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Negatives help a lot. Get a chair, put it by the pull up bar, start at the top of the pull up(like you just did one and are coming back down), and as slow and controlled as you can let yourself down to the bottom. This method will help train your muscles for doing a regular pull up.

Don't worry I know tons of people that can't do a pull up in all strength/sizes.

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Build lean muscle, that will help you burn off more fat and be stronger.

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I looked up alot on bodybuilding.com and it suggested the negatives as well... I did a bunch of negatives, 15 to be exact but one at a time obviously.... Jumped into the pull-up and held it at the top a second... then let myself go down with a 10 second count... When I didn't count it seemed "too fast" to me....

Lets see how this works out... BTW, I'm using the IRON GYM pull-up bar and I also have the AB Straps for hanging leg lifts.... Also did 40min run this morning at the track... well it was like 40/60 jogging but it felt good to say the least... Did leg lifts, laying down on the bleachers and brought my push-up bars with me and did 5 sets of 15 at varying widths but for the most part shoulder width...

Thanks for the suggestions fellas... I'll let you know how it turns out and update this thread..

I did read pull-downs help "activate" the muscle group used to pull-up/chin-ups .... So I will hit the machines at the gym and maybe use the assisted pull-up machine I think they have...

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