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im gonna order 2 10inch power bass 3xl 700rms 1500peak there on sale 259 for both what other sub can i get that has good x-max and power for that price i also like sa10s but a lil out my price also looked at the 187 12s but not to sure were to go please help need to order today...

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What amplifier are you going to be using?

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What amplifier are you going to be using?

^^This. :WELCOME:

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Welcome I've heard some powerbass fifteens wasn't impressed

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Depending on your amp and goals a pair of dcons or Fi X's would work

Edited by theluker69

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:WELCOME: to SSA! You'll have to provide us with a little more information if you want any real help.


Plan to run ported or sealed?

Music preference?

Plan to compete?

Willing to run just 1 sub?

How much room do you have for the enclosure?

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sorry the amp im running is a re 5000 watts amp need help with the box im going to put them in the back tray in a SS impala so i have to build the box in the car so u can see them when your in the car its real tight don't have a way of tuning the box so I AM A wing it but a ported box would it be better? o gauge wire two red top for now,just tryin to do the subs and box for now plan on runing a secound amp for the high thanks for the input i think im going to run these subs unless u guys have a better sub

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Do you have a stock alternator? I just have trouble believing a stock alternator and two batteries can handle 5000W unless you gain down or something.

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Do you have a stock alternator? I just have trouble believing a stock alternator and two batteries can handle 5000W unless you gain down or something.

its a 9C1 impalaSS clone it has heavy duty amp alt. but im def. gonna gain it way down and up to a bigger alt. soon

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I'm going to go out on a limb and am likely going to sound like a real dick here. You're "new to the game", your own words right? Please listen and answer the questions that everyone is asking you. You're already beginning like a lot of the bunches of the young new members we've seen on come on here who ask a question like this, then totally disregard what gets said and recommended to them. You may have had your mind made up before you asked for a recommendation here because some friends are telling you this sub or that amp or this design is the best, but NO ONE here is going to be recommending anything to you that will lead you wrong, and if someone would happen to the other members would catch and correct it because we're like family here and we do care.

Now that the rant is over, how much experience do you have with car audio? I am assuming the RE 5000 watt amp you're looking at is the XTX 5000.1 which is rated 2500wrms @ 1ohm, 1700wrms @ 2 ohm and 1000wrms @ 4 ohm. I also assume that you had planned on running those Powerbass subs wired to 2 ohms on the amp for 1700wrms of power. While that would be a decent match of equipment your planned starting electrical setup will be very marginal at running it. If this is your first system then listen to these guys and do something a little different. I think you could get by spending a little less money and be happier with the results without stressing the electrical system so badly. Lurker had suggested the DCON's or Fi X's, which are both great subs that fall in your budget. They don't require tons of power to sound good and get loud either at 300wrms and 250wrms rated handling respectively. There's also the SD-2 series of subs coming out very soon by Sundown and Ascendant Audio has the Arsenal series subs, both of which are rated at 500wrms or the SA series or DC Audio Level 3's which are rated at 600wrms and a pair of any of those wired to 4 ohms on that amp would be a great match and not be quite as stressful on the electrical either. Do you already own the amp? If so then those are some good considerations, if not then the DCON's or X's would be great on a smaller, less expensive amp. There's so many brands and a multitude of equipment offered by them that it can be somewhat overwhelming when you're looking at new equipment and don't have direct experience with it. It's even tougher when someone recommends something to you that you nor anyone you know have ever used or listened to. I stress though that no one on here is going to recommend anything to you that we ourselves have either not owned, used, listened to or had some experience with and not know it to be a good, dependable, worthwhile piece of eqiupment.

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I actually don't think you sound like a dick at all, Alton. Even though I'm a "newbie" on this forum, I was an installer for many years and have been around it for what seems forever. As a matter of fact, an old friend of mine and I were talking about a lot of this at a show today. Part of the problem is how many people have unrealistic expectations as to what their system will do, without understanding the costs involved. (Not to mention time and work.) It's much "cooler" to spend on the huge amp and big subs, but very few want to spend the money to support it from an electrical standpoint. Big power is much more affordable now than it was back when I competed, (back in the mid 90's) so it should be possible to get a great setup for a reasonable price.

Now that my rant is over too, I must admit I have no experience with the subs and amps that are talked about so much on this forum. But by reading the various reviews and opinions from all these members on here, I chose to order a Sundown SA-8 without any previous experience with them for my daily driver. (Can't wait to receive it!) There seems to be a great deal of good information from the members here, and hopefully newbies such as MrDonk (and even me to some extent) use the wealth of knowledge on here to make smart purchases so they can be as happy with their systems as many of you seem to be!

And one final note, thanks to everyone here who welcomed me to this forum, it's nice to feel like I have a group that has the same "sickness" as I have had for such a long time!

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