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12 Q Need Help(Trunk Space,Amp)

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Im really set on getting a 12 Q but as i saw pictures of it i saw it in very big boxes.I was wondering if one 12 would need the same box size as two(like the picture at the bottom)..this question sounds stupid even to me a newb,but the reason i ask is because i saw a video of a 12 Q with the same box as the one in the picture below the only diffrence is there was only one 12 in the box and not 2.The picture at the bottom is a 2001 maxima just like mine so if you look at it you can roughly tell how much space im working with(kinda since the box is covering the whole trunk)..Also im pretty sure im going to get the 12 Q so i was wondering what would be the best amp for it? i keep reading sundown has really good amps but just want to see what you guys think..i was looking at the specs on the sub and the rms said 1000w so is that max or constant? I appreciate anyone who helps me out THANKS!!!

money really isnt an issue i just want a very good amp


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Bro you can put a 12" Q in a pretty small box if u wanna go sealed, those two 12's are probably in a box around 5 ft^3 net, but its ported, u can put one 12 in a .8-1.5 ft^3 box sealed if u want. Basically u can have a box a quater of that size and it will sound great, maybe not as loud, but be very good musically. Research some on sealed vs ported enclosure so you can better make a decision.

the rating is constant (rms), if you get it fully loaded u can exceed that by quite a bit, but if your new i dont suggest going to far out of the recommended range.

If i were to recommend an amp i would say the saz 1500d by sundown. Sundown makes very respectable amps. Its 1500 watts rms at 1 ohm, get the Q Dual 2 ohm fully loaded and it will be fine on this amp.

Edited by trod2902

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Thanks trod!! i already know i want it ported but thanks for the help!!

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