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Opinions on older Rl-i 12" vs others?

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I'm considering buying a used Rl-i 12" to use in my '93 Nissan Altima. I've run an Ascendant Audio Atlas12" (now part of a set in my work van) as well as a Memphis PR12 and currently, an MClass12" (Memphis also).

I'm using a smallish 1.2cf sealed box w/o any fill and have a USAcoustics2100 (300x1 @4ohm/12.9v). The MClass has pretty good SQ but lacks output (not as loud as the PR IMO).

What is the VC configuration of the older RL-i 12 and would the power I have be enough to be happy with it or does it require more?

Any box sizes that would work better sealed?

How does it compare w/the subs I mentioned if any of you have owned or heard them?



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I have not heard head to head, the RL-i 12 is a good sub for the money, as for power your in right range, as for the VC, it could be an SVC or DVC, so you would have to check to know for sure as the ohmages, as for box design sealed your going to have to email [email protected] because the info for the RL-i 12 is no longer on the website

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Well, not sure how to take that from a woman with a hair lip..? :D

I need to make sure that the RL-i 12" will definitely be louder than the Atlas (300w rms), that's my dilemna right now.

A shop suggested I look into the Diamond CM3 and even more so, the Treo TSX 12"...said he could sell me a TSX12 for $150 and can handle 3-500w rms+....

Just not sure what to go with at this point...just has to be louder than a single sealed Atlas12...


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the output will more depend on the box design and power than the sub, they are all fairly close but none offer the customer service of SoundSplinter

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Well the enclosure must be nearly the same as the current one: 1.25cf or less (though fill could be used), work well off of 300w rms and sound prettty good while delivering some solid impact.

I prefer tight hard hitting bass than low rumbling notes so I want a sub that is designed with that in mind (though I realize alignment is a large factor as well).

The AA Atlas12 gets fairly loud and sounds decent, but the bass was, I'm not sure how to describe it....hollow? I just didn't like the way it sounded sealed. I tried it 2 of 3 ways (didn't feel like adding a resistor) and just didn't care for the way it sounded. It's hard to describe. Honestly, I liked the way my bro-in-law's RF HE 12" in a sealed box (w/some boost) sounded, though at louder volumes it was very flatulent and sounded terrible (no SQ at all).

I'm still waiting to see what AA's future lineup will include but I'm still considering the RL-i. My MClass12 has nearly enough bass, but I've had to resort to adding about 4db of boost at the amp to give it some life.


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you want a bigger amp not a new sub, and remember twice the power only equals a small increase in volume! :Doh: and try makeing your sealed box smaller throw some 2x4s in there or some polyfill to kill the 'hollowness' try the ss sub, sq is sweet, and you can always sell your subs and get your money back to try another one? have you tried your buddies rf in your car? sometimes its the car, do you have a trunk? trunks are hollow / boomy sounding,goot a go i.b. if you got a trunk.

Edited by 60ndown

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niceguy, have you looked at AA's new line up?

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I have a MINT MINT MINT Rl-i 12 SVC4ohm for $125+ shipping.

It was used in my home audio setup, never been exposed to outside or mobile environment. Was powered by a 250w plate amp.


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high positive ratted seller ^^^

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Hey just noticed the newer replies.....Yeah, I'm still waiting to see some feedback on AA's Arsenal lineup (quite a few are disappointed at the initial specs but doesn't matter till they crank them up)....

I already have dual Atlas12s ported in my van (now need a bigger amp but staying clear of Ikesound for now-and I wanted that 1100D so much...) so I doubt I'll even consider the Alliance...

NG, I'm still not sure what I'm going to do right now but I'll shoot you a PM when I know. My sub amp just partially died and I'm using an OLD Pioneer H-50 amp (like 25x2/150x1) on my Memphis MC12 so money's going to be a little tight right now...

I'm kindof wanting something with a little more kick than the Atlas. The Atlas does alright down low but I prefer a little more impact/punch and don't know if the RL-i will do it. Is that a TC2+ motor?

How does it compare/differ from the Atlas setup in sound/output?


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Is that a TC2+ motor?


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