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Whats the significance of my error?

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Hey everyone, So I finally started building my first box that will hold two 2 10" DCONs :D Everything looked good as I thought I could achieve 2.5 cuft with some 44in of port at 11"x4"...... Well now that I have all the walls in, I have begun to realize just how new at this woodworking stuff I am. I can't post any pictures now so I'll try to explain this as best I can.

Mistake 1: I have the port coming in on the left side, going in some 22 inches, then turning and following the back wall the last 22 inches. I planned on having 4 inches of width throughout the port but thanks to my amazing tablesaw abilities, I have 4 inches on that initial run, and only 3.75inches for the second half along the back wall.


Mistake 2: looking at the second half of the port along the back wall, the wood for the port stops about 4 inches (exactly 4 inches) from the right-hand wall. I'm no expert but it would appear to me that this would make the right hand wall become part of the port, stretching it's effective length and extra 4 inches (2 more along the back wall and the new 2 following the right wall)...


So now I sit looking at a net 2.6 cuft box (I still need to BS some .1cuft of bracing) with an port consisting of two seperate widths and an extra 4 inches. If I average the port widths AND factor in 49 inches of port AND find a way to shove .1cuft of bracing in (didn't realize how much that was) I sit with a box bairly reaching the 29hz tuning as appose to the 31 my calculations brought me and the 32 I first strove towards.

I plugged all of this into WINISD and discovered that a 2.5cuft box tunned to 29 hz has a 1.5db drop from 30-60hz when compared to the origional 32hz. I remember hearing that a 3db change in sound was hardly noticable to most people. So after all of that (sorry for the essay) I have this question: Despite all of my screwups... will any of these changes really be noticable to a noob like myself? Should I continue with the box as is? I want more of a SQ focused system so maybe a low tuning would be good.....

Any thoughts, ideas, or critisisms are greatly appreciated

Thanks in advance


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<------- This guy needs pretty pictures

I never grabbed those novels in grade school, only captain underpants

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Try it, that 1.5 decibel drop may not apply in real life, remember you will have a vehicle resonance in the mid to upper 40's region.

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Try it, that 1.5 decibel drop may not apply in real life, remember you will have a vehicle resonance in the mid to upper 40's region.

Good point. I'll give it a go. any advise on how to accomplish that .1cuft of bracing? If I end up just stacking wood inside, will it degrade sound in any way?

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Place the wood in the corner(s) away from the port as to not impede airflow.

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Alright, sounds good. I'll be ordering the DCON's later today! anyone know of any coupons? :drink40:

Thanks for all the help, I'm sure I'll be back with more questions sooner than later.


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