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BL hits lows but not so much highs

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just got my 12 bl hooked up today... its killer on the lows like it hurts your ears but when it hits the highs you can barely hear them. maybe it will get better when it breaks in im not sure... just wondering if this is supposed to happen or not

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It's a subwoofer. It's not supposed to "hit the highs."

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Define "highs" it's a subwoofer.. And what's your box tuned to, how much port area do you have and how large is your box.

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my guess is your tuned to too high,

you may have it crossed over wrong,

or you need to play with the position of the sub.. if you have it faced up.. try it faced back and so forth

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Highs are for your front speakers.

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So what your saying is that your subwoofer doesn't hit the highs? Hmmm :puzzled:

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What I mean is it doesnt hit the higher bass notes.. like itll go crazy loud where it shakes my car.. then itll go to like a middle pitched bass not and it sounds like its just coming from my door speakers when it should be hitting with the sub... if that makes sense. I am not sure what the box is.. I had it custom built and they built it for the FI... I will call the guys tomorrow to see what they think

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like i said,...... i have had the same system in 3 diffrent cars.. and it always sounds diffrent.. this time my box is aimed up and it plays JUST like you are saying.

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well, u do have a bl.

It's goal from what i understand is not to be super smooth but rather peakish.

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The change in output you describe makes me think you have the low-pass filter set lower than your liking. Check the set frequencies on your amp/head unit.

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What I mean is it doesnt hit the higher bass notes.. like itll go crazy loud where it shakes my car.. then itll go to like a middle pitched bass not and it sounds like its just coming from my door speakers when it should be hitting with the sub... if that makes sense. I am not sure what the box is.. I had it custom built and they built it for the FI... I will call the guys tomorrow to see what they think

What is your low pass filter at?

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I looked at my amp and it looks like the low pass filter wasnt even touched its still at 0 or whatever the lowest is.. its hard to tell cuz on the audio ques its a screw that moves the things... what should I set the lpf at? and the box was made at a shop called mad marks.. and my box does sit upright

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turn it up to 65-70hz

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not sure if you know what higher sub bass sounds like or what low sub bass sounds like but yeah try changing the low pass around 60-80 and listen for which position you like.

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wow that was it guys.. holy crap. This thing is so loud that I cant even see where im going when i drive haha... I definitely need to get new speakers and tweeters and an amp for them now... jesussss

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lol...one little knob just gave you a huge increase in sound pressure.

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