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Quote for 2 12" XCON G2s

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I want to get 2 12" XCON G2s when I come back from my trip.

Vehicle Make and Model: 2008 BMW 328i Sedan

Direct of Box/Subs: Subs facing the same way as the port

Sealed or Ported: Ported

Number of Subs: 2

Brand and Model of Subs: SSA XCON 12

Max Dimensions: (Not sure yet here, Idk the cubic feet of my trunk, but even after the box I would love to have at least 15% available, but it may vary I understand)

Port Color: Black

Flush Mount Ring Color (if flush mount is chosen): What exactly is this? (native spanish speaker here)

Carpet Color: Dark Gray (Like the one in the DCON enclosure picture on the argent website)

Zip Code for Shipping Quote: 33160

Now Idk if its better to have the port in between the two subs or on a side. Also, idk how big the box should be. I dont want to completely take the whole trunk space, but I understand 2 12s will require a decently big enclosure for optimal performance.

Lastly, do you recommend double baffle for 2 12s? (amp is sundown 2000d for now, will be a 3500d in the future)

Whats exactly is Wooden Dowel Bracing? And do you guys use 45 angled corners? What about ports with curved end (like the dcon enclosure)


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I think you would be best with about 4.5 cubes for the pair of them.

I would recommend double baffle and flush mount since the Xcons are pretty beastly 12's.

A box like this would run $198.00, that includes the 10% off this month.


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