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Awesome seller, wouldn't hesitate to buy from him at all! Great communication, both via messages on here, text message and over the phone. Told him straight up before we started this deal, that I was waiting for my tax money. He gladly held on to SSA XCon 18 and Sundown 1500d for me. Either would've easily sold weeks before my money finally arrived, but we kept in contact and he held them for me, even after others had shown interest. Found a JVC deck his buddy had for sale, again told him I was interested, he not only held onto it, but paid his friend for it up front. Soon after my money arrived, sent payments for everything, then the toys started arriving. He's got packing skills, they could've air dropped them over my house and they would've been fine. Again, I'm absolutely impressed all the way around with his communication, his packing and just straight forward being a good guy. Once I can get my phone to quit with the gay act, I'll upload pics of how everything was shipped and arrived to me. Couldn't have bought from a better guy. Thanks again bro!

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