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question for sundownz about motor strength

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by looking at your products alone you know your shit about subs. i have a pair of 10's i had built for me a couple years back 60lbs each so there is some serious magnets on them. the bl/re in series is only a 92 im guessing this is due to the coil. if i had it rebuilt to something with twice the motor strength what could i see in output diffrence? current coils are round copper 8layer not sure on what the rest of the specs are. i know they could use a spider spacer for more travel they will hit the top plate before the coil can bottom. is it possible the charge is weak on the magnets?

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wow at this thread.

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Motor force depends more on the top plate geometry vs. the ferrite.

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No offense, but just because a company has subs that look nice doesn't mean they owner knows his "shit".

Even though in this case, Jake knows quiet a bit.

But coming onto a Company's section asking those question isn't the best way to get answers.

You could of started a thread in the properly section and let other members of this forum help you. You don't have to own a company or design subs to know anything about them.

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by looking at your products alone you know your shit about subs. i have a pair of 10's i had built for me a couple years back 60lbs each so there is some serious magnets on them. the bl/re in series is only a 92 im guessing this is due to the coil. if i had it rebuilt to something with twice the motor strength what could i see in output diffrence? current coils are round copper 8layer not sure on what the rest of the specs are. i know they could use a spider spacer for more travel they will hit the top plate before the coil can bottom. is it possible the charge is weak on the magnets?

Do you mean the BL^2/RE is 92 ?

Double the motor force factor would generally result in higher SPL but a bit less low-end extension assuming the same enclosure.

It is possible the magnets are not charged well, yes.

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i wasnt refering to actual looks of subs more the fact every sub he has built has proven to be great at what it was designed for. yes i was refering to the BL^2/RE is 92. i read in another forum where you comented on the hcca being around 150 and saying most spl subs are higher than that. now how does the top plate effect this? do you want a tall top plate or thin one. i also plan on having sundowz rebuild them when i destroy them unless i feel its better to just start fresh with his subs.

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i wasnt refering to actual looks of subs more the fact every sub he has built has proven to be great at what it was designed for. yes i was refering to the BL^2/RE is 92. i read in another forum where you comented on the hcca being around 150 and saying most spl subs are higher than that. now how does the top plate effect this? do you want a tall top plate or thin one. i also plan on having sundowz rebuild them when i destroy them unless i feel its better to just start fresh with his subs.

A thin top plate can be over-saturated like in the case of the HCCA so cannot handle all the flux the magnets have the capacity for... also if you have a long coil a shorter top plate will not bring the field out far enough to encompass all the windings and since BL is a product of the flux AND the windings it is reduced.

Gauss strength drops with a thicker top plate -- but the BL^2/RE measure may increase or not be effected -- so I prefer it when looking at motor power over Gauss... then take BL^2/RE and divide by moving mass for a good "SPL Ratio" figure.

So... moral of the story... top plate thickness depends on what you are going for in the design. With a huge motor like the HCCA, though, for an SPL application a thicker top plate would allow more motor force factor.

Edited by sundownz

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I have woofers with a BL2/Re of 592 :peepwall:

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