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Inductance and SQ, RL-P vs others

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So I've read that rather lengthly post over at SIN regarding some of the misconceptions regarding moving mass in relation to sound quality. For the most part the article mentioned that inductance is a far better indicator of potential sound quality than moving mass. (My understanding of inductance being the amount of power that is stored in the vc before it actually uses it) therefor lower number of inductance should indicate superior performance.

With this said, how does the RL-P stand up (keep in mind this isn't a bashing post, I've had an RL-P since march and I love it) and what is the difference between lossy inductance and (the other one). The RL-P's inductance numbers seem quite high in comp to other dirvers, could this be the way that inductane is measured (hot vs cold coil) amp power? frequency?

The vast majority of companies that offer main stream products don't even mention inductance, so I'm trying to compare the Rlp to other high end drivers from companies like adire, ascendant, RE, etc.

here is that link http://forum.carstereos.org/showthread.php?t=56659

and what is the acutally moving mass of an rlp 12" since the magnets were added to the cone to test (and doesn't this throw off the whole test anyway?)

Confused yet really interested,


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To be honest, I can't draw a parallel between inductance and transient response (or SQ as some believe it to be)...aurally, anyways.

After owning an AA Brahma 12 and an SI Mag D2 12, I found the Mag D2 to be superior to the Brahma when it came to transient response (the Brahma seemed much too laid back, didn't enjoy its sound).

And when you look at the inductance of each, they're radically different (can't remember the measurement of the Mark I Brahma[quite low, I'm sure]; the SI D2 is 3.5mH)...yet, what I was hearing was directly opposite of the info on SiN...

Take it as you will, but I side with those who don't let specs govern what they hear...I would rather listen to the driver first, then formulate my opinion. :)

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The moving mass on the RL-p12 is around 170g. As for inductance concerns, yes the RL-p's do have a slightly higher inductance than some other comparable products - however for a subwoofer, the amount of inductance that there is will not diminish its performance in its intended range. Inductance becomes of increasing concern for midwoofers and other drivers aimed at producing the higher frequency bandwidth. Since the RL-p is a subwoofer, the performance within its recommended range (< 80 Hz) will not be compromised.

I have yet to snag T/S param's off a "used" driver, but I'll try to keep that in mind.. just that any used woofers I have here are in boxes being used! :P

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