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Peak Frequencies

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Hey so I see a lot of people saying "my car peaks at 54 hertz" and I'm just wondering how exactly you find your peak frequency for your specific application. Is it something that needs to be measured using some kind of tool or can it be done by ear or some other method. Also assuming my peak frequency was 48 would you expect to find the frequencies surrounding that range playing audibly louder? If they do play louder how do you combat such a hump as to improve your SQ? My peak frequency is not something I absolutely need to know but it'd be cool to find out right and it might help in making some changes to my system.

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Find it with a meter, play a sine sweep and the loudest frequency is your peak, but only in that exact application, many factors change your peak frequency.

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Find it with a meter, play a sine sweep and the loudest frequency is your peak, but only in that exact application, many factors change your peak frequency.

But there are TOO many factors arent' there? I mean, If I was to build a box, tuned to 32hz, and lets say everything stays the same. Ok, if this box peaked at ohhh 38hz. So now that I know that my vehicle peaks at 38, I decide to build my box tuned to 38hz. Will my vehicles freq still peak at 38hz?

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Find it with a meter, play a sine sweep and the loudest frequency is your peak, but only in that exact application, many factors change your peak frequency.

But there are TOO many factors arent' there? I mean, If I was to build a box, tuned to 32hz, and lets say everything stays the same. Ok, if this box peaked at ohhh 38hz. So now that I know that my vehicle peaks at 38, I decide to build my box tuned to 38hz. Will my vehicles freq still peak at 38hz?

He asked for peak frequency.

Not cabin peak freqeuncy or resonant frequency of a car ;)

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Find it with a meter, play a sine sweep and the loudest frequency is your peak, but only in that exact application, many factors change your peak frequency.

But there are TOO many factors arent' there? I mean, If I was to build a box, tuned to 32hz, and lets say everything stays the same. Ok, if this box peaked at ohhh 38hz. So now that I know that my vehicle peaks at 38, I decide to build my box tuned to 38hz. Will my vehicles freq still peak at 38hz?

He asked for peak frequency.

Not cabin peak freqeuncy or resonant frequency of a car ;)

Hmmmmm. I guess I'm confused or don't know the difference :(

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Huh? Just measure it in situ. Then you'll have it. If you don't like it, eq it out. If you want to exploit it change your box so that its peak coincides, if you change much about the box then changes could occur.

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