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amp won't stop going into protection mode

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So my amp keeps cutting off the power to my subs. It mainly occurs when I try to get my subs louder. It didn't do this as often a month ago. I think it was after a day of delivering pizza with it bumpin all day, amp got hot and my fuses blew, I believe ever since then it's been acting like a wimp. I'm wondering a few things

I have stock electrical system, would the amp protect itself because its supply is inadequate?

my subs run 300rms my amp runs 900rms, did I ruin my subs which is causing my amp to protect itself? (that would be awesome, been tryin to swap them out but gotta hurt em first)

whatever it is, it keeps randomly protecting itself and when I turn my HU off and back on it gives subs power again (till I push it again)

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Could have been a number of things, low voltage causing the amp to go into protect could have also broken some internal components. Your fuses blew because either your power wire shorted out, or you pushed your amplifier too hard and it overloaded itself. Either can fry internals.

Where are you in UT?

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Utah county. lack of voltage sounds reasonable, I think the fuses blew because it was hot. that thing was incredibly hot. it's a kenwood KAC-91045, I'll probably get a new amp soon but do u know anywhere in Utah that can help fix my stock electrical system.

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Could have been a number of things, low voltage causing the amp to go into protect could have also broken some internal components. Your fuses blew because either your power wire shorted out, or you pushed your amplifier too hard and it overloaded itself. Either can fry internals.


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Utah county. lack of voltage sounds reasonable, I think the fuses blew because it was hot. that thing was incredibly hot. it's a kenwood KAC-91045, I'll probably get a new amp soon but do u know anywhere in Utah that can help fix my stock electrical system.

You can start with the big3. You can do that yourself, at least the upgraded grounds.

But get a voltmeter to check your voltage IN the car.

You should not have any problem with such a Kenwood amp. I had one in the past, and I had stock electrical : no problems at all. And I did not have any additional ground anywhere !!!

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so my power wasn't secured properly to the back of the amp, we'll see how it acts now, the amp never turned off though, it always just stopped powering my subs

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